I am not credible because I accused you of bashing moreless on a daily basis.
I stand corrected. The daily basis was exaggerated.
What about the bashing? Am I still incorrect?
You mean the defending myself against all the lies and attacks by the Moreless cult? I am not allowed to defend myself when attacked? And I am not supposed to support people and protect them by correcting information I see posted that I see is incorrect and dangerous? So what is your goal? To continue spreading dangerous misinformation so more people can be injured?
You felt that ML was bashing you. If it were the case, did he do it outside of his forum?
No the chicken-s*** cowardly bully did it in his forum where I could not defend myself against his lies and attacks. Just goes to prove how low of a life form he really is, and I don't think much of anyone who would defend such a lowlife either!!!