MORAL of the story: Not everything works the same for any two people. What is helpful and healing to one can be dangerous for another.
Which goes back to my earlier point. The Moreless protocol was being touted as a cure all even though it can extremely dangerous for some individuals such as those with hypercalcemia, hemochromatosis, polycythemia, etc. But these facts were being ignored and Moreless himself was even telling people that it is OK for people with hemochromatosis to take black strap molasses because it did not have NPN. Not only is this a total lie, that kind of bogus advice can be DEADLY to a person with hemochromatosis.
On top of that anyone claiming the protocol did not work or were injured from it were attacked by Moreless, which prevented the truth about the dangers from being exposed. Why did these testimonials never make it to his testimonial page? Maybe if they did a lot less people would not have been injured such as the person who developed colitis and the one that ended up in the hospital with alkalosis.