Paul de Gaul Thank you - could´nt have put it better.... all those reasons you stated and the poster after you (On-the-border?) are exactly the ones I too had for visiting and learning from Ask Moreless. Scientific in the true sense of the word IMHO. Meaning he has tried and tested all he "preaches" - his drink, etc. (and obviously his faith). Also the encouragement to find out for onesself and not stuffing his ph-dogma down anyones throats, is all about what Science is about.
All the naysayers (it seems to me) never really visited his forum... or may have now and then, judging from some pretty ridiculous remarks.
Don´t think CureZone will be interesting for me anymore once Moreless is gone... which on the other hand may be a good thing, I´ve spent way too much time here trying to learn to keep a hold onto good health for as long as possible.
A dieu...