He's ignorant in the area of chemistry? We could only wish that Ann Wignore had been so ignorant. We could only wish that Viktoras had been so ignorant. Meanwhile, true scientists like Louis Pasteur destroyed millions of lives, but are still called true scientists. Every autistic child and sufferer of chronic vaccine disease hails Louis.
And you think ML is ignorant?
I just made a partial list of his bogus claims here:
Show us proof that any of these claims he made are true. Good luck!!!
I value his knowledge of chemistry and the way it applies to the body
What knowledge? At least 95% of what he claimed was PROVEN wrong. He claimed NPN was dangerous. Well what about the NPNs amino acids, creatine, and uric acid, which are all essential for our existence and function? He talked all the time about nitrite toxicity, but failed to mention the fact that alkalinizing promotes nitrite producing bacteria in the stomach. So his drink was actually promoting the one thing that admitted was dangerous. He kept claiming that acids decayed the tissues in to goo. Since he also claims that all diseases and disorders are caused from acidity of the lymphatic system then every single person should have no lymphatic system since we have al been sick at one time or another in our lives so our lymphatic systems should have turned to goo. He claimed that when the body dies that acids decompose the body. Again wrong, it is enzymes that decompose the body. He claimed that the more hydrogen a substance has the more acidic it is. I gave multiple examples of this being wrong. He falsely claimed that nitrogen is protein, and that ammonia is an isotope. He claimed that the stomach and skin are supposed to be alkaline when I first started posting here. After correcting him he changed his story to correctly claim the stomach should be acidic, even though his drink will wipe out stomach acid. And he never did admit that the skin is supposed to be acidic. I could go on and on with his bogus claims, but the fact remains that he was making up his own personal bogus science as he went along.