Re: How do you get wax out of your ears?
Hv, which ear oils do you suggest?
I don't know what is out there commercially right now. But they are just olive oil mixed with garlic or mullein oil. So straight olive oil can really be used.
This POPPING and fluid rolling around described by ciscokid is a huge part of the scalp itch I have ongoing - or is it two separate things?
Most likely they are separate issues.
There seems a direct correlation, as if inner ear congestion has found its way into subcutaneous tissue. Is this possible?
I doubt directly. It sounds more like an inflammatory issue. And as inflammation increases in the ear or maybe the eustachian tube the inflammation of the scalp also increases.
Or is it possible that a neck vertebrae is so far out that cerebral fluid is in play? ( I have one that moves around, and have suspected some kind of disc degeneration going on )
No, if there was a tear leaking CSF then you would likely get pathogens in the CSF leading to meningitis.
I can hold my nose closed and blow gently, opening up canal and suddenly hear very well, and I have the insatiable creaking and snapping and crunching of fluid all over my scalp, but it's well BENEATH dry and crusty and insanely itchy upper layers of skin. I no longer put hydrogen peroxide in my ears, per your suggestion.
The scalp condition really sounds like an inflammatory condition of some type. Most likely with either a bacteria or fungus involved. Something you could try is to add some eucalyptus oil to your shampoo to help kill any pathogens or bugs that may be irritating the scalp. I recommend 60 to 80 drops of oil to 16 ounces of shampoo. Try to find a good shampoo without any dyes or fragrances. You should also pH adjust the shampoo by adding a little citric acid to adjust the pH to be slightly acidic. Soaps and shampoos are generally very alkaline, which is really hard on the skin and hair. A quarter teaspoon of citric acid to the 16 ounce shampoo should adjust the pH to the acid side.
Oh for want of an ozonator!!!
I posted on here somewhere the basics of how to build one. I don't care much for hot corona, but these are the easiest to build.