Questions about your success!!!
Hi there 95829,
Surfer27 here. I just had a couple of questions for ya, but before I ask them, I just wanted to give you a quick background on what I've been going through lately. Okay, it started back in Jan06, when something happened after having a bm. After having one, I noticed this horrible stench coming from my internal anus or rectum, after having to always have a bm. Sorry for being graphic!! I apologize!! Anyways, during that time, I have gone to several doctors and had a colonscopy done and the results came back as normal. The specialist who performed the colonscopy on me, said I didn't have any internal hems, no external hems, no anal fissures, no anal fistulas, no aids/hiv, thank the Lord!!, no yeast infection, nothing. The test came back as, showing that there was nothing wrong. In the next 3 yrs to follow, having to deal with Fecal
Body Odor s, coming from my rectum area I assume, I have tried the following and without success, none of the below have worked:
1.Wheatgrass Juice.
2. Charcoal capsules
3. Barley caps.
4. Eating parsley.
5. Bowel Cleanse, Intestinal Cleanse and
parasite Cleanse
Liver Flushes and Colon Flushes
7. Tried Dr. Mist, waste of money.
8. Talc Powder
9. L-Glutamine capsules along with Flax Seed Oils.
Bentonite Clay with Psyllium
And lastly: Whiff capsules, which claim to, get rid of flatuence odors and reduce foul smelling bm's after going, which was also a waste of money!!
All of these things, I've tried for long periods of time without success!! I have now been suffering, with these rectum smells, for like 3 yrs, soon to be 4. What would u suggest? You mentioned that, once you got on the Pro M Internal Deoderizer, that it really helped minimize these fbo problems you've been having, right? Well, here's where I need to get this clarified with you. Did you suffer from gas smells, or actual rectum smells, that you could actually smell all day, during the day? I just need this clarified, that's all!! Secondly, you mentioned that while taking the Pro M, with the Zinc that, it had helped that extra period of time, compared to when you didn't take the zinc, right? So, if you took only the Pro M and not the zinc, did you find that the fbo problems still went away, while just taking the Pro M? Was taking the Pro M on it's own, enough to help you regain parts of your life back, that's what I am wanting to know!! If just taking the Pro M helped, how long did it take for you to, really notice a difference while taking it? Third question. Are you still smell free today, to this day? Can you still go out into public, be around alot of people and not have to feel subconscience, or ashamed that, you're body is reacting negatively, without anyone saying anything? Is the Pro M still working for you and if so, are you still taking it? Fourth question, is: have you tried any of the above mentioned suggestions as I have, only to find out, that you were no closer to getting any answers, after suffering with fbo problems for so long, before trying the Pro M? If you could get back to me on this, that'd be great!!! Thanks and take care.
Ryan Annunziello