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Hi there, NeverTheSame!
Surfer27 Views: 5,106
Published: 16 y
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Hi there, NeverTheSame!

Hi NeverTheSame,
Surfer27 here. I just read your text, on whether the Pro M was working or not and you mentioned, that it made your odors worse? Are you taking about a fecal Body Odor , or something else? I also wanted, to ask you a couple of questions in regards to what you're taking. First, how long have you been taking the odor cleanse or pro M for? The other thing, I wanted to ask is: if your odor got worse, do you think, that it could be a result of dieoff symptoms? Usually from what I've heard from people on here, with the same symptoms as you and I, is: "it'll always get worse before it gets better." Another thing you may want to look into, is these other 2 things: doing a candida cleanse and following the diet and also, looking into a product called: Manuka Honey. Here's a website, for the Manuka Honey:
Check it out, let me know what you think. Lastly, what other things have you tried in the past, but haven't worked, just so I have some kind of idea, as to what you've tried. Here is a list of some of the things, I've tried like you, in getting rid of these fecal Body Odor s lately:

1. Chlorophyll
2. Wheatgrass Juice
3. Intestinal Cleansers
4. Colon Cleansers and Liver Flushes
5. Charcoal tablets
6. All kinds of digestive enzymes and probiotics
and lastly:
7. Hemorrhoid Suppositories and Prep H.

None of these for me worked. Perhaps you've been in the same scenario, I don't know. Get back to me asap, when you can on this, so I can compare if, you and I, have tried the same things or not. Thanks and take care.


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