Re: --Answer--Homosexuality, what God has to say--
If one is given to argue over scripture which I typically am not, I agree the issue is with the Greek word "p 0 r nea" which is translated into our English texts as "fornication."
You have pointed out that the Strong's exhaustive concordance defines fornication to include:
"A Male prostitute by reason of anal sex"
You have chosen to emphasize anal sex, but the definition includes two parameters...the most important in my opinion being the word "prostitute."
I personally believe that two people of the same sex can be in a monogamous relationship that God considers to be a marriage. Now the laws of man may prohibit them to marry but that does not change the fact that two people can be married in the eyes of God.
Of course this gets us into the argument of the definition of marriage.
The bible can be a wonderful vessel for the Word of God when one reads it with the eyes of their heart, allowing the Spirit to reveal the deeper meaning. When one reads it with their flesh eyes, there is great potential for misunderstandings which can take away one's peace.
I understand the process of pouring through concordances and various translations to get closer to the original writings of the authors of the Bible.
The Word of God, in my experience does not requires such scholarship. It is evident to the simplest and the least educated of minds. Often it is clearest to those types of people.
I on the other hand have an overeducated mind that often is a stumbling block for me. But day by day, I am learning to be led by my heart and my days are increasingly filled with the peace of God.