Thank you Bundles for sharing that with us. Its always good to hear testimonies. I think I'm going to try this because I'd have to order the Lugol's. I've got another brand iodine but don't know if that would work or not.
I've got a mole on my leg thats been there for as long as I can remember so I'm going to use the ACV on that. I'll post when it falls off and when my husbands hand clears up.
It always amazes me when I learn to use something so simple for a problem that a lot of people run to the doctor for.
When we were kids my brother and I both had warts. He had a couple on one of his hands, my mom took him to the doctor and had them burned off which was very painful for him. A couple of years later I got some on a couple fingers on my right hand but by then my mother had heard about a natural remedy. We sliced a raw potato and rubbed the juice of it on the warts several times a day, each time slicing off a new slice. In a little under two weeks the warts were gone. Now they've got medicine you can buy in the store that dissolves them but why spend that money and use those chemicals when all you need is a cheap natural potato?