Re: I'm in need of your knowledge Uny!
Hi Uny!
Sorry I thought you had forgotten about my post! Thanks so much for the reply.
And I'm sorry for the lack of information in my previous post. I will get down to the specifics here and do my best to give my full and honest information. Afterall, the more you know, the better you can help me ;)
First of all, some very good news!! While I was prepping the liver for another flush a week ago (morning mini flushes, liver herbs, fresh apple carrot juices, coffee enemas), the day before my flush my stool was literally pale. Very light tan. This immediately let me know that I was lacking bile. Since the last few flushes didn't give such impressive results, I had not expected much. But this flush had released a bunch of small to medium stones, and then one HUGE stone about 2
inches in diameter. I even felt small pains in my liver the next day, felt like it left a hole!
As of that flush, especially after that huge stone, I FINALLY started seeing some immediate RESULTS. Increased energy, more bowel movements (2-3), DARKER richer stool colors, and
the Acne cleared up. I had never ever in many many years felt my skin so smooth for over a week now.
Please tell me that these are all good signs of a decongested liver, because I cannot fully believe it myself!
Though I'm not yet "cured", since I have seen some small
Acne on the forehead (which is commonly known to be liver detox symptoms), now I KNOW what I've been doing was the right call. Even though everyone around me told me to stop, my family even had thought I was doing something ridiculous, which made it very hard for only myself to push through all alone. But I'm so happy that I kept researching and healing myself. Just on a side note, I had temporarily put my university education on hold to be on a "full-time" healing stage. Which put me on a very difficult financial and emotional situation, though I have the benefit of having the time to research and cleanse (even fast).
I've started weekly coffee enemas, which was an AWESOME experience for me. I was always afraid to try it, but after reading more about it, and learned WHY it worked, I did not hesitate to do it. The reason why I did not do daily
coffee enemas was because I'm not in any serious health condition. I had only listened to my 'doctor within', which thought weekly was good enough for me.
I had giggled with joy when I was hearing all the liver sounds (bubbly and squishy sounds). Then I had released a bunch of liver debris, included was some long mucusy material! Also I've noticed very tiny white stones when releasing from coffee enemas. I wonder if they are crystals or gallstones?
And please forget my post about the reaction to superfoods. This was when I thought superfoods had caused some reactions for me, but it clearly wasn't the superfoods since now I take it everyday (2-4 tbsp) and LOVE IT. I was having reactions from everything back then, and it was the period before my most recent flush, which seems to have fixed the major obstruction. It was actually quite sad when I had tried to avoid superfoods, because my body was CRAVING for it, I was literally just standing there smelling it, wishing I could take it! I'm so happy that it's actually improving my health now!! (Though the price is KILLING ME, and I just found out you make and sell them for A VERY AFFORDABLE PRICE, which I will message you about privately after this post)
Okay so back to your replies:
"So you're now having 3-5 bowel movements daily (at least one for every major meal ingested). GREAT! But if it's less than 3, you could use a tune-up somewhere along the line (diet? liver? more colon work?)"
I usually had 1-2 bowel movements daily. Once in the morning always, but more BM's after depends on how much I eat during the day. Also as I've noted before, I have now increased BM's after that flush, but I'm not yet sure if I'm having one for every meal yet!
Also, I've recently adapted to squatting when eliminating, which I've learned to be the natural way for humans to go. I'm loving this natural position! It really is depressing how mislead we were into SITTING to eliminate, it is such an unnatural way.
Here is some information about my diet (which has changed dramatically over the past few months)
-My water daily water comes from RO filtered, natural spring water, sometimes distilled during cleansing, but always distilled when making teas, taking herbs, enemas etc.). I follow the
Water Cure , half my body weight in ounces, which comes out to be about 2
quarts daily. But I usually drink more because of herbal teas.
-I strive to go all organic, as much as possible, but as you know, sometimes it's not always available. I'd say my fruits are almost always organic (95-100%), vegetables mostly organic (85-95%), meats are usually not organic since I cannot afford them, BUT I have stopped eating meat for over 2-3 months now. When I did eat meat, I only ate lean chicken breasts, and some fish low in mercury, small seafood, but haven't had red meat for years. Occasionally eat organic free-range eggs.
-I eat lots of raw veggies and fruits, but most main meals are cooked lightly, unless cleansing days.
-I have greatly fixed my
meal portions, always listening to my body to tell me when to stop eating now! This was one of my greatest achievements
-Switched to 100% whole grains, no longer eating white rice (which I grew up on)
-I no longer have food cravings for junk, which is AWESOME! I used to crave sweets and snacks, but that has been gone for many months now. It seems I have completely adapted in seeing my food as medicine, not only for pleasure.
-I have become a great chef! I only eat what I prepare most of the time, haven't eaten out in a long time
My diet usually consists of (let me grab my food log):
-Starting my day with about 16oz of water
-Superfoods with freshly juiced fruits, OR when I'm liver prepping I take the mini flush drink (garlic, ginger, Olive oil)
-Breakfast I keep light, usually small bowl of hot cereal (either brown rice, quinoa, or other good non-gluten) and sweeten only with stevia or occasional maple syrup, or I only eat some fresh organic fruits for breakfast.
-For lunch I have learned that it should be the main meal, instead of dinner, so I eat my main meal here. Varies a lot, heres some lunch menus: brown rice pasta with lots of veggies prepared many different ways (curry, tomatoes, soups), fresh raw salads with good oils and vinegars (flax seed, olive oil, ACV, lemon juice etc.), brown rice with cooked veggies and kimchee, occasional eggs with veggies, soups with veggies etc, etc...
-Dinner is usually lighter than lunch, similar menus but I try to stay more raw, so eating more raw salads, eating raw veggies, etc.
"Ensuring that your digestive tract/colon is clear and functioning is the essential "bottom line basic" to ALL issues of health - Acne included"
Of course and I agree! What I meant was the slight "discomfort" was none of my concern, NOT the efficiency of my colon. I still don't know what it was, but it no longer is an issue.
"Well of course, we're not meant to eat dead flesh and/or fluids from other animals....especially as poison laden as they are."
Yes, and lately I have been very focused on reading up about type of diets. Raw vegan, vegetarianism, and omnivores. I really had to think hard and read a lot about all of them, and for now I have come to a conclusion that I am still an omnivore, for I believe everybody functions differently and not ALL can benefit from purely vegan diets. Sorry if I'm disagreeing with your ideas, and I certainly do not want to argue with you about which is better. There is countless debates and research done on which diets are superior, but I think what's most important is that the person following any type of diet is well informed and health conscious of what they are eating.
Though I totally agree with you that some non-organic meats are very badly abused and injected with who-knows-what hormones etc... So for NOW, since I cannot afford organic lean meats, nor do I crave them, I am staying mostly vegetarian while I'm cleansing. I'm not sure what the future me is going to eat though, and I'm always willing to change for the better good.
By the way, I LOVE fresh juices, and I juice several times a day now (adapted after juice fasting). There is no doubt everybody needs some fresh live juices!
"Please describe your definition of 'whitehead". Size, shape, hardness, do they break as 'liquid pus', 'fatty white fluid", "fibrous white stuff", "solid lumps", any odor?"
They are usually small, and it starts as a small inflamed red skin boil, then there is a white pus filled, making a whitehead. They can pop as liquid, or hardened sebum. No odor.
"Describe a "break out", and how long after eating healthy fats does it take for the break outs to occur. AND are we talking organic "good fats" or non-organic "good fats"?"
Usually a breakout is as I explained before, sometimes it's just a small red inflamed boil, but usually when it's too much oil issue, my skin starts itching and forms a whitehead within that day of eating whatever I couldn't handle (several hours to overnight).
-I only consume organic, cold pressed oils. Mostly only olive and flaxseed oil.
"I'd give the flushing a rest for at least a month and start taking 1-3 tablespoons of organic ground milk thistle seed daily...and do the daily coffee enemas"
I've just ordered some organic ground milk thistle! It's coming soon, I've just read what you posted about those nasty "standardized extracts", which I've been taking.
Are daily
coffee enemas really necessary? It seems that is recommended for cancer patients, most recommend once a week for normal people
"Get me the information about your diet, and tell me about how much you exercise/sweat daily? weekly? And tell me how you react if I say "lymphatic system"? :)"
I'm just editing this quickly, I forgot about this part of your question. I am quite fit and do regular exercises, however, I do admit that I have trouble sweating. Even though I exercise, I rarely exercise to the point of sweating. Sometimes on cleansing days, I do detox baths (very hot baths with baking soda, while drinking hot herbal tea, cayenne etc.). Could you suggest ways for me to sweat EVERYDAY? And if possible a link to the importance of sweating? I tend to be motivated FULLY once I understand why it's so important. I understand our skin is our "third kidney" and it's responsible for for 1/4 of our detoxification, but I find it sometimes hard/inconvencient to sweat daily :(
As for the lymphatic system, I am quite aware of it's importance and I do daily dry skin brushing following from here:
Thanks so much!