--JustinL--Now, Now
Hi JustinL,
Your comment: "ability to tolerate conflict" Another brilliant but mindless statement! So conflict is what your agenda is then! Have you ever looked up the word support? Well enjoy your whining you seem to have support for your un supportive belligerent posts!
Answer: We must remember that those who are presently Sick and Diseased cannot Think Clearly, thus may wander all over the place at first, un-til they can find their direction in Life?
This is Why I am trying to allow those who at least keep coming back with a few reasonable questions to be allowed to continue to post on this forum.
Remember imafli and all his questions and How he got banned at first, then I allowed him to return?
He still has lots of questions, but he has found Healing in his own way and has shared with others about this forum to help others!
We need to remember when We did not understand and all the foolishness we got into, before coming to our Senses!
I have tried to change my ways to give this consideration to those many folks who are Sick and Diseased, yet they have not figured this out yet for themself, thus they continue to make the same mistakes and poor choices!
Let us give anyone who is 1/2 willing a chance to learn!
Cause and Efeect!
Smile Tis your choice.