--What a Disgrace to curezone--hv Condeming Grz
Hi Ya'll,
Isn't it a Disgrace to curezone when one of the Self proclaimed Experts on curezone Now Claims Grz doesn't know what Grz is talking about?
After all Grz has learned to help himself and Prevent Knee replacement by changing his diet and Improving his Lifestyle!
If my memory serves me correctly I believe Grz was in a wheelchair at one point and now he can kickbox!
Now we have this supposed Expert claiming Grz doesn't know anything!
Who does this Fake think he is anyway?
He doesn't even have any folks who have reported Success Testimonials from his ideas!
Oh, I forgot he thinks anyone sharing a Success Testimonial is telling a Lie!
Isn't that calling a person a Liar?
How could all the Fine folks who have shared all these Success Testimonials in this link below, be a Bunch of NO Good Liars, as Hv implies?
What a disgrace to curezone!
No wonder curezone has lost readership!
As I said from the begining, let this kind Trash move in and the Good folks leave!
One would think if a person was really interested in helping folks that they would spend their time helping folks instead of Claiming Fine Folks Like Grzbear don't know what he is talking about!
Could the real problem be that this so-called expert isn't any expert at all?
Maybe just someone with a blown up Ego full of Vanity and Pride?
Cause and Effect!
Choose Life or Death this Day!
Smile Tis your choice.