Retracted/lost mirena strings and removal? Help!
I have had my mirena for almost 3 years, and after doing research, realized that it has caused me a lot of problems....the usual from what I'm seeing...weight gain, terrible raging mood swings, depression, anxiety, extreme fatigue, bloating... well, the list goes on and on, as I'm sure most of you gals on here know all about.
I have not been able to find my strings in over a year, but thought maybe I just couldn't feel them. I finally made an appointment to get this thing removed a couple days ago and when I went to see the CNM, she had an awful time with it. At first she could just barely see the ends of the strings when she swabbed the inside of my cervix, but everytime she would go to grab them with the clamps she would lose them. She even had another nurse come in to assist her and it still didn't help. After using 3 different types of clamps to try and grab them, she gave up, because at this point she was just 'fishing in the dark'. She said that it almost seems like the strings are embedded into the inside of my cervix! She sent me for an u/s and I haven't heard back yet on whether or not this mirena is still where it should be. I'm pretty terrified right now of what is going to happen next.
Does anyone else have advice or has gone through the same issues? What has your outcome been? Thanks so much.