Acids, alkalis, yeast/candida
Hi, all!
One reason for all the debate is that in certain conditions either applying acid or alkaline substances to the area affected can give immediate, though often temporary, relief.
Why would that be so??? The "yeasty beasties" have their own niche on the pH scale. Quickly driving their environment out of the range that they can survive in will get rid of them for a while. This can either be done by making things much more alkaline OR much more acidic, depending on the starting condition.
For a permanent solution to the problem, it is necessary to replenish all the alkaline minerals in the correct ratios to each other!
Not easy...most of our food supply is too poor to accomplish this, even the organic stuff!!!
The alkalising drink and ES [Epsom salt]
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) [hydrogen peroxide] baths or foot soaks used in the Moreless protocol have helped me and many others with serious and chronic yeast/candida/fungus problems. When one's mineral reserves are replenished, problem is gone!!!
More info at the Ask Moreless forum.
Hope to see U there!