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Re: regarding the bitters
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Re: regarding the bitters

 Now assuming salted water is slightly basic (I think?) - does drinking this regularly (as part of an adrenal support program) have a neutralizing effect on Stomach acid production?

I drink water infused with Celtic Sea Salt regularly - including with meals - in addition to a small amount of betaine (as im getting huge die off). I have hypochloridia and serious digestion problems bought on by years on candida infection.....

...and broadening the topic out - would salted water have an effect (beneificial or otherwise) on candida infestation of the small intestine?

The amount of salt you would be safetly taking is not enough to adversely afffect the stomach acid. In fact a little trace element salt can actually help with digestion. Salt is needed for the formation of stomach acid. Sodium chloride is spit in to sodium, which some will form in to sodium bicarbonate, an acid neutralizer used by the body. And chlorine, some of which will be used to produce hydrogen chloride (stomach acid).

And the salt will not really affect the intestinal Candida either. To deal with that you need to get your intestinal flora back up. The flora generate acids that control the Candida.

As for the low stomach acid zinc, B vitamins, trimethylglycine (TMG) and bitters will all help tremendously. Note: TMG is betaine, but this IS NOT the same thing as betaine HCl. I have heard some health food store people claim they were. But they have totally different functions.



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