Thanks Tony and Chrisb
Thanks Tony and Chris for all of your suggestions.
Ok, I'll order another INTRAMAX from utopia.
I've mixed A LOT of chlorella in smoothies in the past. I've never had much cilantro though, just in some foods.
"coffee enemas, milk thistle, alpha-lipoic acid, selenium, curcumin, beetroot juice and coconut oil."
I've never done a coffee enema- I'll give that a try. I've taken milk thistle, Alpha-lipoic acid, selenium, turmeric, quite extensively in the past. I've done entire juicing regimens with beetroot/asparagus juice. I practically live on coconut oil.
I've taken Hyaluronic acid and had to stop because it exacerbated my skin problem. I have no idea why but I started up a few times and the same reactions happened- increase in acne and rash all across forehead each time.
I am taking a probiotic and digestive enzyme supp right now. I take Dr. Ohhira's formula (probiotic) and Similase (digestive enzyme) from integrative therapeutics. I went through about 4 bottles of the regular Primal defense before I switched and tried something else. I think it was New chapter probiotics after that. Now, finally I am on Dr. Ohhira's. I take digestive enzymes with everything that I eat.
For Magnesium I am taking Natural Calm (Ionic magnesium drink). I've been taking this every night for about 5 months. If I was mag deficient, can't say as though I've noticed anything different after 5 months of mag supplementation.
I'll try iodine again. I seemed to irritate my skin but I will try it again.
I'll try the grape/watermelon/water regimen and let you know how it goes.