Hi there...you can actually add the parasite cleanse to your b&p regimen at any time. It seems to be a good idea to start with the b&p so that you clean out the parasites 'livingrooms' first! At least get started on it. Then add the parasite cleanser. It may become difficult to take the b&p and the parasite cleanse at the same time while you're eating because both have to be taken on an empty stomach! Lots of scheduling must be done! So...depending on what you want to do..you could start with b&p's and stop (if you want) while you do a parasite cleanse. Maybe b&p's until your next liver flush. Then start up on a solid 3 to 4 week parasite cleanse plan - with a Liver Flush 2 weeks into it?
Just throwin' out some ideas..hope I wasn't confusing! eeek.