Re: I don't see the end of it...
Hi Enlighted,
I know things seem really bad at the moment but the good thing about your situation is that you know exactly what's causing your BO problem and how to get rid of it - so do it and order your Humaworm.
There are so many people on the BO forum who have the same problem but don't know what's causing it or how to go about finding a solution (I'm one of them).
As for the boyfriend situation, I can understand why you're upset as I wouldn't know how to handle that situation either -i.e. whether or not to tell him- and the only thing I can suggest is that you think of yourself first and order your Humaworm (maybe order 2 packs and think of a way to bring up the whole cleansing subject with him). There is also the possibilty that he is the one who re-infected you.
Things may look unbearable but you do have a solution to the problem and maybe in the future take Humaworm twice a year to prevent the whole thing starting up again.
I am really sorry about the boyfriend situation and the fact that you think that it is making him pull away from you because of this but maybe if he does try and bring up the subject with you again try talking to him as he may end up surprising you.
I sincerely hope everything works out for you and please try and keep your head up and there is a light at the end of your tunnel.
God bless.