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Re: I don't see the end of it...
Listen to me, you are at the right place to start getting healthy.
I used to have bad BO and had to wear deordant everyday.
Today, after 5 Humaworm cleanses, I don't have any smell at all most days.
I had a bad Roundworm (ascaris) infection plus tons of flukes.
This is what I also started using as a deordant. RG's medicated cream! It seems to kill out the bacteria that causes BO. I don't have to use it everyday, just once in a while now. I have NO Odor. I am just amazed. I have tons of energy also and I am 54 years old.
This is my trigger. When I eat Red Meat, I now get this sweaty smell and then I put on just a small amount of RG Cream and (Whala) the sweaty smell is gone! I no longer get that Bad BO smell.
RG's Humaworm is really cheap. It is do able for most everyone, so save your money on things that are not so important and order some Humaworm for you and for your boyfriend.
Another thing that I did and still do sometimes to use for a deodarant is this: I put around 1/4 cup of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil in a jar and then add around Two droppers full of Wild Mediterian Oregano Oil and that also works well.
I also brush my teeth with one drop of the Oregano Oil and I don't get anymore plaque. It kills the germ that causes Bo and plaque. So, life is not over for you, there is hope now for you and your boyfriend.
Here's to your healthy future...Donna