Magnesium, iodine, trace minerals, hiyaluronic acid, grapeseed extract oil, IntraMAX
Practically every thing you list has been linked to magnesium deficiency - and 90-95% of the US population is deficient in magnesium. Many of the same symptoms have also been linked to iodine deficiency - and most of us are deficient in iodine too. In addition, most of us are also deficient in a number of vital trace minerals as well. I strongly suggest supplemenal magnesium (on a one to two ratio with calcium). 50mg or more a day of iodine, and a good source of plant derived trace minerals. For your skin, I suggest you also add hiyaluronic acid, as it can work wonders for fines lines and dry, wrinkled skin (it is also good for joint support). Instead of olive oil, try grapeseed extract oil. In my opinion, it is the best oil for the skin on the planet.
You might also want to take a very serious look at a product called IntraMAX. It is completely whole food derived and contains 415 essential nutrients. I can almost promise you that you will notice a marked difference in health if you take it. My own source of IntraMAX is Oasis Advanced Wellness, though I believe that it is also being carried now by CZ sponsor Utopia Silver (where you can use the CZ discount code of LR001 to get 15% off any items not currently on sale).
Try those suggestions and come back to let us know how they worked.
All the best,