Re: Another Wondering about Liver Cleansing
I have always wondered about the drink, supposely to cleanse the liver - The juice of 3 limes, 2 raw egg yolks and a tablespoon of olive oil. I have used it several times, because it has all natural ingriedents (how harmful could they be?), and because it turns a person a nice tan color all over, hoping it was doing my liver some good at the same time. But I have always wondered if the tanning was a good thing because we know jaundice turns the skin yellow....
I have never heard of this flush. It sounds like a version of the olive oil citric acid "flushes" using egg yolks probably for the lecithin. Lecithin is a fat emulsifier. In fact it is the component in bile that allows it to dissolve cholesterol. It still will not flush the liver or gallbladder. The sterols in the olive oil will just bind to the cholesterol in the egg yolks.
I don't have a clue why it cause you to tan if this really happens. The only thing I know of that will give the skin this kind of coloring is hemochromotosis from the build up of iron in the skin.
The raw eggs are a consideration. I always wash the outside of them first with an herbal cleanser designed to kill bacteria. Isn't salomella (Sp?) on the outside of the egg shell?
Yes, this is why it is a good idea to clean the outside of the egg before use. If you don't you can contaminate your hands when cracking the eggs, and the inner part of the egg can become contaminated, such as if some egg shell falls in.
I read on the internet that one egg out of 30,000 is infected.... do you know if this is true?
I think it is a lot more common than that.
What are your thoughts on this so called liver cleanse?
Does it do us any good or is it harmful?
At least it uses less oil than the standard "flush" but it will still form the so called "stones" as a chemical reaction between the sterols and cholesterol.
Has anyone else done this? What did you think? Did you have more energy? Did it turn your skin tan after a few uses?
PS What do you think of supplementing with herb Milk Thisile to protect the liver?
Milk thistle is pretty good, but I prefer turmeric since it is equally effective in protecting the liver. And it is a stronger antioxidant and anti-inflammatory than milk thistle. Milk thistle's extra benefit is that it stimulates regeneration of liver cells.