Chronic Fatigue, MCS, Leaky gut, what do I do first?
Over six long years I have not been able to work due to circumstantial depression/insomnia that turned into all I am experiencing now. I have candida, leaky gut, insomnia, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, hormonal disorders, nail problems, chemical sensitivities, the list goes on and on.
It was confirmed that I had dysbiosis in May of 2000 by a digestive test done through Great Smokies, the MD/ND told me "not to worry" when I asked what it was and why it came back severe. My sleep never went back to normal, my hormones were going crazy, body hair and scalp hair loss, fatigue after exercise and I used to workout 5 days a week, now it is difficult to do much of anything let alone workout. I have multiple
food allergies , chemical sensitivies that started after I was exposed to a bug and tar remover in August of 2001, within a week I developed chemical sensitivities and have had to change most of my products. In July of this year I was doing a bit better, taking Primal Defense but then was exposed to a petroleum product again and I got worse. I went for 3
colonics in 3 weeks, each time I got sicker. I have been battling to save my teeth for ten years, I always took care of my teeth but found out that I had bone loss in my jaw at 30, no bleeding gums that would have told me that but it was found on an x ray after I got my first abcess. Now, after the chemical over a year ago, the candida went crazy and my hormones did also. I saw my dentist/perio and am going to lose all of my upper teeth and most of the lowers, I just turned 40, the bone melted away after my gut went off. My nails have ridges and a fungus under my toe that is seperating, I could go on and on but it makes me even more depressed after all the time and money I have spent and now I am sicker than before. My body doesn't seem to tolerate supplements, I do not absorb calcium well and have osteopenia.
What can I do?? My bowel movements are not good now, I am gaining weight without eating more, I was told the colon has to be clean before I can do a cleanse. I was also told though a blood cell analysis that I have
parasites in the head area. I am lost, no clue what to do first and no doctors (I only want holistic) seem to know what to do, they give up.
If anyone can give me some suggestion I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you