Re: Tapeworm- what is best cure and how to tell
Biofeedback has been a crucial part of this "journey" for me. But, it makes a big difference with how good your practitioner is with it. I was fortunate to have found a good Alternative practitioner that had prior experience to treating patients with parasites, and muscle testing (with vials), plus muscle testing for what herbal and homeopathic products (and dosages) I needed together were very accurate. Along with that, it was also verified with the Biomeridian biofeedback computer testing, and also with EPFX scans.
Yes, you CAN kill
Tapeworms without resorting to pharma drugs. I killed two of them with herbals, plus also doing the Clark cleanup at the same time. I also killed dwarf tapeworms, which are the most common
Tapeworms that live in the bile ducts.
What the ND had me doing with the herbals, was much different than what most people here know to do. It was aggressive, and it was definetly not going by what was on the label. It was all done through finding the products I tested would work the best at that particular time, which changed much of the time too, and at what dosages. Different products, different herbs, hit
parasites in different ways.
The other thing that he was adamant about..was to NOT stop with the herbals when you are in the middle of killing them, like going 30 days and stopping, and the other thing was taking dosages of the herbs that are stronger than what people would think to do from going by the labels. Electronics, like zapping, turned the corner for me in killing
Ascaris in the liver too.
There's plenty of other things a person can add to what they are taking that usually have the basic 3 ingredients. Since the Clark book has come out, there are alot of good quality
parasite killing products on the market (for now, until Codex kicks in), and many of them have different twists of herbs to go with the basic three.
From what I understand better now too, I would also look for products that have the Artemsia Annua in them.
By the way, if you plan on going the distance, "none of this is cheap".
The other thing is..people get focused on killing one type of
parasites or another, and usually discover that there are quite a few other types living in different neighbors inside of fungi (candida), bacterias, viruses, and a whole host of coinfections.
And that's just the "bugs"-- which coexist with all kinds of toxins.
The one other thing I personally think is more important than people know with this--is to not ignore the liver!