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Re: For ms112233/Maggie :) (the longest post ever made on CZ? lol)
bcbutler Views: 7,380
Published: 16 y
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Re: For ms112233/Maggie :) (the longest post ever made on CZ? lol)

I can't believe that you say there is NEVER a need to take Antibiotics . I now have a weakened immune system after going through stage 3 thyroid cancer - every day I still do ozonated water with my medical-grade ozonator, Essiac Tea, and frequent coffee enemas. I got a staph infection under my skin, and didn't realize it until the 3rd boil was ready to pop on my neck and head. I took Antibiotics and the last one never turned into a big infection. You can die from MRSA if you don't take Antibiotics .

Now a blood test shows an acute shingles infection (the virus left from having chicken pox as a kid) that has caused very painful pancreatitis. I don't see a GI specialist for another 2 days, but I'll definitely take whatever he tells me for this.


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