To Uny My first reply to your info.
First off let me say THANK YOU THANK YOU for all your time. I can honestly say that this will take me a long time to read and even the stuff that you sent me before. I will tell you however I am more than willing to give you a DONATION for all the time you have spent on this. I have been spending alot of time with our daughter because she is very confused about all of this and she just told me today again how freightened she is.
I have been on .375mg of klonopin now for 6 days. I figure a week at that is good then I am going to try and go to a .25mg(half) if you and Anne think that is ok. Maybe you put something in the post about it I don't know yet.
All I know is I have to get some sleep while coming off of it. I have been to the benzobuddies site and actually trying to get off the klonopin and doing all this reading on the klonopin has taken me alot of time. I also know that anxiety goes with coming off of it, so I am trying not to be on the internet as much because it overwhelms me and then I get anxiety. So I really need to get off this poison. I am sure that you have made suggestions somewhere. I will look for it. If you haven't then let me know.
Again a HUGE THANK YOU!! I can tell you I am very sensitive right now, so be patient. I know this poison Klonopin is making me depressed and emotional too.
Let me know if you would like me to pay you for your time.
If I were there I would give you a BIG hug.