Mild Seborrheic Dermatitis: the reason for my hair loss. Treatment: cortisone?
I've been experiencing hair loss since November 2004. Around that time, I came to know about the correlation btwn extended broad-spectrum
Antibiotic usage and Candida overgrowth. Seeing as how I took
Antibiotics for about 17 months straight, I figured that the hair loss is Candida-related. Well, I am currently ont he Candida diet and am cleansing. In addition to that, I got some blood work done to see if maybe nutritional defecincies caused byt he Candida were causing my hair loss. I had a complete blood panel done to check my thyroid gland and iron levels--no probelm there. I aslo got hormonal blood work done to see if my hormones are out of wack and causing my hair loss and that is not the case. I also had a scalp biopsy done and it has determined that I have mild
Seborrheic Dermatitis which is the main cluprit for my hair loss. Basically,
Seborrheic Dermatitis is imflammation of the scalp and the imflammation somehow adversely affect the hair follicles and causes shedding and stifles hair growth. Well, my derm told me that cortisone shots will help reduce the imflammation and promote new hair growth. My question is, have any of you had this done? Does this really work? Is cortisone all I need? Your responses are much appreciated!