There is a nutritional product out there that I have been taking for more than ten years called Winrgy. It was developed at Stanford originally as an anti jet lag product for the diplomatic corps but I have been using it as a coffee/cola replacement. It elevates mood and provides about five hours of no-jitters, no-crash energy. I use it before aikido practice, whenever I am driving long distances and whenever I need a boost but don't want to have the caffeine affects that I get from coffee. Migraine sufferer friends of mine have used Winrgy to knock-out the head aches. It's full of B (and other) vitamins and an amino acid. It seems to work great to arrest a migraine if you drink it JUST as the migraine is coming on... and not so well once it is fully under way. It comes in little packets of powder that you mix with 6 ounces of water (juice, etc.) so they can be easily carried to be handy when the migraine starts to deve lop. Tastes kind of like Tang.