I just wanted to let you know I appreciate all that you have done and I am still reading and working on stuff. I will finish it by Tuesday. My husband is ordering the Ashwangda herb for me tonight, so I can start on it. I don't know if you know if there are any interactions with the klonopin, but I will look it up if I can find it. I just wanted to say thank you again.
I didn't feel good by the way on the steriods. I took a test that said all my good bacteria is gone, so I am assuming that ashwangda herb will not do any harm to good bacteria correct? I am looking forward to taking it as I have horrible inflammation throught my stomach area. I will get into that when I answer your questions.
Also my weaning is from HC cream .1ml to .05 ml sorry didn't mean to put 1mg. If you still think this is too fast let me know, but I was told it was such a tiny amount that I was fine, but I know you are familiar with this.