Maggie (everybody) -
I was just getting ready to go to bed and thinking about how I could help you best. And when I was reviewing your posts/my responses in my head, I realized immediately that I owe you a BIG apology for being so "blunt" and coming across so harshly.
That's not really "me" at all, but is kinda "me". I am SO mad and angry at the system and the Powers That Be that caused/worsened your illness; and I'm just as mad & angry at money-hungry 'alternative medicine' with their own same breed of "pushers & drug dealers" and "science & scientists". I just want SO badly for people to immediately see/know what it took me years to learn, and I want to somehow "shove it all into their head & heart NOW!" so they can be WELL FASTER. Then like a frustrated parent (when they're worried/concerned), I get LOUDER. But that doesn't help heal anybody; it doesn't help anybody 'want' to learn....and there's really no excuse for me falling prey to that. So I hope you'll accept my apology...and know that as you read this, my "loud" actually means "I really care a LOT".
I am withdrawling from Cortef cream and would like to know what I can use to support my adrenals. If you would have read the past post I linked you to in the post I posted to you yesterday here: you would already know the answer to that. sigh.
Here's the answer:
And lastly (but VERY importantly), at *least* 1 Tablespoon of Ashwagandha root powder daily (2-3 is probably better). This is likely THE best adaptogenic adrenal balancer on the earth (and it promotes sound sleep!). And if you responded well to steroids (I think I recall you saying that), this is going to be a Godsend to you. It tastes TERRIBLE, but it doesn't matter. When you see the information in these links, I'm sure you'll want to order some asap. It's currently out of stock at Mountain Rose Herbs, but my back-up source for Ashwangandha is Starwest Botanicals, here's the link:
(If you order it, make SURE to get organic - this is primarily grown in India, and they still use DDT in India). And please don't get any type of 'standardized extracts', there's way too many active ingredients in this herb for 'science' to play their guessing game at which is most effective. Our natural bodies need the plant in it's natural form.
Here's a few links on the efficacy & benefits of Ashwagandha on the adrenals/hormones/stress:
Maggie, before I go any further, I'm going to have to clarify something that I thought I clarified very clearly in my post to you yesterday...but apparently I didn't make clear enough. On this forum and 'haven of healing', there's likely no more knowledgeable, supportive and helpful people anywhere on CZ. Most everyone is doing some version of the same protocol (the one that the greatest healers of all times have used)...and everybody (including myself) are VERY willing to help. We've all walked down similar pathways - finding that allopathic medicine is dangerous (and makes us worse), and alternative medicine/NDs and any "healing" or "Truth" based ON allopathic medicine is also risky/non healing (and because it's not covered by insurance) can cost thousands of dollars out of pocket (without healing anything, and generally making things worse). You are MORE than welcome to be a part of this family, but you're going to have to research, read and learn so that you can be safely responsible for your own health and healing (just like every other person has done or is learning to do). If we're going to be our own doctor (safely & effectively), we have to LEARN things we don't already know.
It seems to me that for two long years you've been asking questions and taking everyone's advice (including MDs & NDs), but you've continued to worsen. If you want to turn that around (#1 rule on this forum) you have to STOP doing what makes you sick, and start doing what makes you better...and please forgive me if I'm not discerning correctly, but it seems to me that one of the main things you're doing wrong is not learning & researching and then questioning the advice you've been given (on CZ, or by MDs/NDs). I realize (like I mentioned before), that most everyone has fallen into that pit...but YOU are the ONLY person that can change that. Yesterday I created a post that took (in total) almost 5 hours of my time...but it appears you read none, or very little :(
This is the ONLY forum on CZ that is 100% natural in nature and doesn't use some kind of supplement or methodology/protocol with the potential to cause harm...and is based on the works of THE most successful natural healers of this century. So read through all the links I offered you before, and then decide if this method of healing is something you want to do (as I suggested yesterday)...and THEN, if you DO decide this makes sense to you, we'll all be MORE than willing to help you.
I have a problem with most ascorbic acids I think it is because my mucus membranes are weak and everything burns in my stomach and my bladder and then I get inflammation. Read this (it's not long), on the dangers of Vitamin C: and THEN, think of this...if Vitamin C is THE safest and most innocent of supplements, just how dangerous are all the other supplements you've been asking about on CZ for the last few weeks? Our bodies are NATURAL, they respond best to things that are NATURAL. Ever see a supplement bush? NO! That's because healing does NOT come out of a bottle! It never EVER did. There's no disease in the world that's caused by a "lack of drugs" or a "shortage of supplements" if that doesn't cause disease, how can it HEAL disease. It can't. They will only put a piece of duct-tape over the symptoms. But just like putting a piece of duct tape over the 'symptom' of an oil light on your dashboard, covering up the symptom without treating the cause WILL cause even more problems. I see (below) that you're beginning to understand that. You took Klonopin to cover up the symptom of insomnia, and now you're addicted. Not only did it not work, the withdrawal is going to be (likely) very unpleasant and harsh. I have low to normal cortisol mornings and then high cortisol afternoon and evening. Yes, everybody with adrenal issues has levels of cortisol that are "off". If you want to heal them, then answer ALL the questions in post I posted that we can get down to the CAUSE of the problem and start actually healing.
I really (really!) want to help you in any way I can, and giving people 'solid truth' is the only way I know how to do it (and that's effective). I'm not an ogre-ess (lol), I just take the business of healing VERY seriously! :)
From your post on another forum:
I am trying to be careful because I am weaning off of the Hydrocrotisone today should be last day at 1mg. Am I understanding (from other posts) that your original dosage was 2mg, and you're cutting 1 mg at a time from that. If so, that's WAY too fast!!
I am also on klonopin because the doctor gave it to me for sleep and now i am so scared that I didn't know how bad it is and want off of it but don't want to wean off of too many things at once since I have adrenal exhaustion. I am not doing well. I have lost so much weight. Everytime I try and cut back to .25 Klonopin I have to take something else to try and get some sleep like L-trytophan. Cutting .25 off a .50 dosage of Klonopin is way WAY WAY TOO MUCH, TOO FAST! The most you should EVER cut from a benzodiazepine is 10% of the dosage (at least, until you KNOW you can handle 10%, and then you can cut bigger percentages if you want to/can). Everytime I try to cut down on the klonopin at .25 (please stop cutting such a huge percentage until you've learned more about benzodiazepines! If you cut too fast, you can cause symptoms that last for YEARS) I don't sleep and it makes my adrenals worse. THE most typical symptom of benzo addiction & withdrawal is insomnia. I am hoping I can get off of this. You CAN, but you have to fortify your body with lots of NATURAL nutrition, and it's very likely you don't even want to consider withdrawing off TWO insidiously addictive poisons at the same time! Do you know of any things to combine with klonopin that are natural sleep aids? There's many things you can try (or I could suggest) but anyone making suggestions without getting the answers to all the questions I asked you yesterday is being irresponsible (at best) and cause great harm (at worst). or can you direct me to a place to find out. I go to an accupunturist, but she says she can't get involved since an ND put me on it. I notice even trying to wean off of the HC my kidney area hurts and if feels like I am getting a bladder infection. I get up 3 times in the middle of the night to pee. Frequent urination is a very common side-effect of benzos, as well as many other things. I really need to find a good herbalist or someone to help me with this. It seems like what you NEED is to start learning to take responsibility for your OWN body & health
Maggie, there's never been a person I haven't been able to help (using the time-honored protocols of Dr. Schulze & Dr. Christopher)...and I know a lot of things that can help you...but I need your cooperation to go about this sensibly and responsibly (so you don't put your body through any more stress or cause any more harm). I am SURE that if you continue to jump from "CZ expert", "forum to forum", and "ND to ND" (or whatever) that you'll continue to worsen. And now that you've got 'benzo involvement' (between me and Anne_33), I really honestly feel there's no better place for you to start learning than here.
So, if you want to have all our help, then please get back to me with a detailed reply to yesterdays post, STOP cutting the drugs until you're stable where you are, and read through all the links I've given you. It's okay (really!) if you don't want to subscribe or utilize truly natural healing...but if you're going to keep asking questions, I am a forum owner that insists you read the answers I offer.
Big hugs & healthy blessings :)
I will go ahead and order it anyway because I can't get a hold of you, but it says don't take if you have a stomach ulcer well I don't know if I do or not and my stomach burns when I eat certain things, so hopefully this won't be a problem. I just did a search on Ashwagandha and "ulcer"...and I see why you're confused/worried. It takes quite a bit of 'foundational knowledge building' to be able to find truth in ANY herbal searches on the internet. ::::sigh of frustration::: I found sites that indicated very clearly that Ashwangandha HEALS ulcers and sites that indicated very clearly that it's bad for ulcers (most were copy & pastes of the same conflicting information hundreds of times).
What we know for SURE? Allopathic sites are decidedly "anti herb" and the majority of their "studies" are done by extracting certain ingredients (the ones they say are the 'active ingredient') separating them from all the other phytochemicals and alkaloids that Nature/God put in the plant...then injecting/feeding massive quantities to rats. This is why I NEVER recommend that anyone buy or ingest 'isolated/standardized extracts' of a plant (because they DO have 'potential for harm' when most 'whole plants' do not).
Where to find the truth? On sites where you have evidence from healers that have used the herbs/plants, and find what they have to say (that's one of the best ways)....and with Ashwagandha there are MANY India/Ayurvedic healers that say there are NO known contraindications for natural Ashwagandha, and that it does help to heal ulcers. Personally, I've never had anyone I suggested it to report any type of digestive disturbance or increased pain or burning (and I've never experienced any myself - and I've taken up to 5 Tablespoons daily).
I will tell you my health problems in my letter to you. I hope that means a post to me, not a private letter...and please be sure to answer the specific questions I asked along with any other information you share :)
Ok I am sorry that I haven't read everything. I am so overwhelmed and I am having a terrible time concentrating and retaining. I know you work hard and I am sorry you havee to put in 5 hours of your time to just get frustrated with me. I am trying to still run my household with my family and do this too and i am trying not to just give up on most days. I understand, I really do. I'm not really frustrated at you, I'm just frustrated at the tons of misinformation and damage you've had to deal with (and my lack of time), and sometimes the frustration of it all just 'spews out' everywhere. :(
I so so appreciate all your time and when I get a moment I will answer your questions. Great - and I appreciate your patience :)
You mentioned that I was cutting back on HC too fast. Normally people take it at 20 mg. I have never done that much. The most I have done is 5 mg, so I have been on 2 mg for one and half months so then 2 weeks ago went to 1.5 mg then in the past week 3 days at 1mg and now I have been 3 days at 0.5mg this is such a small dose that people are shocked I am not just quiting. So you think this is fast? Yes, it could be too fast, and here is why: when withdrawing from an addictive substance, you need to think in 'percentages'....and sometimes 'length of time on the drug' doesn't matter at all (although many times it does). You want to 'cut' the same percentage and you want that cut to be something your body can tolerate. Even though you are on a very low dose, when you cut from 2 mg to 1.5, you cut a full 25% (and that's too much for HC; allopathic/alternative practitioners that understand this drug and what it does indicate the safe/recommended cut is 10-12.5%).
The goal is to cut only as much as you can tolerate; allow your body to stabilize totally, then make a cut in the same percentage as the first one. Your body doesn't count milligrams (only doctors and pharmacist and alternative practicioners), it just knows what "percentage less" it has to deal with from what you gave it the day before.
So, you made a cut from 2 to 1.5 (you cut .5 mg; that's 25% of 2). If you make another cut of .5, that's now a 33% cut from what your body was used to having. And if you went down to 1.0, and cut .5 again, you'd be cutting a full 50%...and asking your body to deal with a 50% cut in dosage, when it sounds like (from what you're reporting) that even a 25% cut was too harsh. Here's a site with 'allopathic' cutting guidelines (12.5% on higher doses; 10% on lower doses)
I have seen several sites that say that if a patient has been on HC (or similar) for only 3 days or more, it's imperative to withdraw very slowly (at least until one really knows exactly how each cut is going to effect them).
Please let me know how many more days at 0.5 on cortisone you think I should do.There's no way I can tell you that without knowing exactly how you've responded to each cut in dose, how you feel, what your symptoms have been...and most importantly what YOU feel your body needs you to do. I will get working on the question you gave me.great! I am sorry if i don't retain all the things you have given me. No need to apologize, I just want to make sure you really do read the 'answers' I've given...and it didn't seem like you had :( If you think you will get angry at me and lose patience I will just back off. Like I said in my heartfelt apology, I'm not really angry at you, just frustrated that there's no way to give you all the knowledge it's taken me years to amass, quickly enough for you to be able to have confidence, understanding and start using it to heal yourself. Yes, I do want help more than anything, but I am at such a weakened state that it is hard.
No matter what you say to me I will always appreciate anything you do for me. Thanks for your patience & understanding.
I am using the cream and the compounding pharamist gave me this schedule. I am barely using much. It is the size of less than a half a pea. Can you tell me at such a low dose when people are up to 20 to 30 mg this is too hard on me.As above, your body doesn't count in milligrams...and each and every person's body is totally different. For example, I know two people (from my 'past life') that were able to inject heroin 2x weekly and NEVER became addicted or had any symptoms of withdrawal. And there are people that inject heroin 2-3 times and become completely (mentally and physically) addicted and suffer brutal withdrawals. If you're having difficulties cutting from HC from a low dose, it's likely because your adrenals were in extreme distress when you started (and of course, the HC shut them down even further) when you take away a full 25% of their only support, you're reacting very harshly. And remember the information 'above'...a knowledgeable practitioner makes only a 12.5% cut when people are taking high doses (and 10% on low doses) - a cut of 25% in HC is a MASSIVE cut, no matter what the dose was to start with. I am very accepting of help and want it otherwise I wouldn't be here, Please always remember, my goal is not to 'give help', but to help others learn how to take responsibility for their own health. Wanting to trust and actually trusting others is what got 95%+ of people on CZ (and in the world) into trouble in the first place! but I didn't know that my adrenals would shut down on such a little amount. Each toxic drug affects each person differently...and it sounds like with the 3 antibiotics you were already in a state of fairly serious compromise. It'll be very helpful to me to get all the information together so we can both examine all the puzzle pieces. Although, it really doesn't matter all that much what caused the problem, the cure is basically the same.
I was on on 5mg for maybe 3 or 4 days tops at one time in May, so I thought be on such a low dose I could just go off of it. In fact the pharamacist said I could quit at .1ml or 1mg if I wanted, but my husband and I said we better go lower. I feel fine and my temperatures aren't all over the place. If you "feel fine" and you haven't experienced any setbacks or symptoms from cutting .5mg dosages, then...uhm, (mewonders) what's the worry/problem? If you're not having any trouble with .5mg cuts, (and you've made three .5 mg cuts already with no problem), then listen to your body and cut at whatever rate you can.
I am in the middle of trying to answer questions for UNYQUITY. I will need to know how long after I wean from Cortef can I start the beginning of the wean for Klonopin. I am just scared that is all. I appreciate the support here. You can start cutting the Klonopin when you:
1) have taken a week or two to read and learn about all the possibilities and you really understand the best way to go about it
2) have learned enough to decide in which ways you'd like to fortify your body to get ready for the withdrawal
3) you've stopped dealing with any/all withdrawal symptoms from the HC, started the Ashwagandha and come to a 'consistently stable' point that you can recognize. It's possibly the withdrawal from Klonopin could cause some very bizarre effects, and you really need to learn (if you don't know already) to discern just 'what is doing what' in your body. If it were me, I wouldn't think of cutting a benzo until I'd been off the HC and working hard at stabilizing and fortifying my body for 3-4 weeks.
You are right and I don't want to end up in the hospital because our local hospital has a big problem with MERSA. It's my opinion that you never want to end up in ANY hospital. Hospitals & doctors ARE the third leading cause of DEATH in the USA (the AMA admits it). I linked you to this post before, but it's really important that you read it, so I'm adding it again :)
I just wanted to let you know I appreciate all that you have done and I am still reading and working on stuff. I will finish it by Tuesday. Great! and good for you :) My husband is ordering the Ashwangda herb for me tonight, so I can start on it. I don't know if you know if there are any interactions with the klonopin, but I will look it up if I can find it. What you will find is a few sites indicating an "interaction". What you need to know is just what it is that 'science' deems an "interaction". If one is on the blood thinner Coumadin, they say "don't use Ginkgo Biloba because of the interaction". But there's NO adverse chemical interaction at all between Ginkgo & Coumadin! BUT Gingko does thin the blood, just like Coumadin. That's not an "interaction", just something to understand and use with caution. Because Ashwagandha is a gentle sedative, you will likely find many sites that say it "interacts adversely" with Klonopin (or other benzodiazepines). That doesn't mean it's dangerous to use them together, it means if you use them together you might be more sleepy or more sedated. I did find ONE site (just one) that indicated Ashwagandha might make the benzo/Klonopin 'more effective'. (that would mean it would make it EASIER to withdraw from the Klonopin! YAY!) So what you want to do is start with just one Tablespoon per day - see how that works in YOUR body, and then decide whether or not you want to work up to 3T daily, or use less. I just wanted to say thank you again. You're welcome.
I didn't feel good by the way on the steriods. I took a test that said all my good bacteria is gone, (just so you know, if ALL your good bacteria were gone, you'd likely be in the hospital or dead). I'm guessing you have some rather long standing issues with constipation, eh? (constipation = having less than one bm per every meal you eat daily - less than 2-3 bms = constipated). Either that or IBS & diarrhea. I saw in some of your past posts that you had issues with estrogen imbalance and endometriosis...both of those (especially the endometriosis) can be a result of constipation (the lower colon wraps directly around the uterus & ovaries) so I am assuming that ashwangda herb will not do any harm to good bacteria correct? Correct. I am looking forward to taking it as I have horrible inflammation throught my stomach area. Ashwagandha is VERY helpful for all types of inflammation :) I will get into that when I answer your questions. Take your time, you know where to find me :::wink:::
Also my weaning is from HC cream .1ml to .05 ml sorry didn't mean to put 1mg. If you still think this is too fast let me know, but I was told it was such a tiny amount that I was fine, but I know you are familiar with this. Like I said above, if you're not having any difficulties, then you can cut your dosage as fast as you'd prefer. It seemed to me like you sounded like you were very 'symptomatic' and having problems with cutting the HC.
The powder I order. You said to take it. Do I just mix it in my water spread out throught out the day. I put each tablespoon of Ashwagandha root powder with a big "gulp's worth" of apple cider (or other juice) in a small mason jar, shake it up really good and then drink it. It's fairly nasty tasting to most people. That's the way it's easiest for me.
Healthiest of blessings -