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2/1...thinks n' thoughts (and sleuthing) Re: loss of vitality after KF
unyquity Views: 2,055
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2/1...thinks n' thoughts (and sleuthing) Re: loss of vitality after KF

Greetings Maiaeutic!


Let's do some sleuthing here and see what we can come up with.


Thought: the first thing to look at when having any type of reaction is to closely examine everything that's been done recently (and what's been stopped recently)...and of course, what is ongoing and any other possible variables.  Once we get all those puzzle pieces out on the table, and compare them with 'known truths', we usually can see a fairly clear picture.


--On 7/29 you reported having finished your first kidney cleanse 2 days prior - so it was finished on the 27th...yet two days after your kidney flush, you were reporting no 'lack of vitality' and suggesting that you'd do another kidney cleanse concurrent with a 5 day liver cleanse.

--Since you'd previously inquired as to whether or not continue with IF#1/IF#2 during the kidney cleanse (and given the correct response, to continue), I assume you took them during the cleanse.


Well despite my posting the earlier question regarding doing the KF and LF simultaneously, I have suspended doing both for the time being as I have observed a rather extreme depletion of my vitality since the my initial KF which concluded a little less than a week ago.

--This is a 'red flag puzzle piece', because if you didn't have any adverse reaction during the cleanse, or the two days following the cleanse, it's highly unlikely that a "extreme depletion of vitality" can be pinned on a cleanse one did 5-7 days prior to the reaction.  Let's look for more clues...

It is hard to read a book, or walk for more than five minutes without feeling exhausted and needing a rest. I cannot concentrate, or seem to be productive in relation to anything demanding. 

--What variables are in play?  After using IF#1/IF#2 consistently for 3 months, did you stop them after the kidney cleanse?  The bentonite/charcoal in the IF#2 adsorb toxins and relieve a substantial burden from liver/kidneys.  If your body has been used to having that assistance and you discontinued the IF#2 after the cleanse, you now have more toxins in your bloodstream than you've had for the past three months.  I have not had this great a sense of overall fatigue in a long time, probably not since I did a cleanse from Creation's Garden a couple years ago, and after which I noticed a tremendous loss of vitality accompanied by pain and soreness in my lower back which has now returned as well.  ...which of course, sounds like kidney pain/soreness.  But that didn't manifest until 5-7 post cleanse?

I have begun taking ashwagandha again great! and it seems to help but is a long way from being completely restorative, at least so far. It's not supposed to be 'completely restorative' - the only way we can heal the body is remove the causes of whatever issue is presenting and heal/undo the damage...and almost always on today's 'poisoned planet' addressing only one organ/system without addressing the rest is non-effective and can be counter-productive.  Previously when I experienced this loss of vitality I used Chinese herbs, primarily DragonHerbs from Ron Teeguarden..the Primal Yin Replenisher, He Shou Wou, and others and am thinking of taking a similiar route. The only difficulty is that I have in the intervening two years developed a sensitivity to some of those herbs and I may not be able to use the same ones that were effective before.

Thought: they weren't "effective before" as anything but a temporary bandaid if your symptoms returned.

My thoughts on Chinese herbs: unless certified organic and grown in the US, this is THE most toxin-riddled class of herbs in the world.  The Asian 'school of medicine' is almost totally different than the Western school - and can actually be 'opposite' the healing methodologies of Schulze/Christopher.  I do not suggest mixing Asian/Western schools of treatment/thought - as many times they 'counter' each other or are truly opposites. 
So basically I am looking for a way to restore my vitality. I have tried the charcoal poultices and cannot do that...though it made me feel very clearheaded I experienced a pain in my kidney area and loss of vitality with that as well. I have tried Eleuthero as recently as three months ago as an adrenal support tonic and it made my adrenals feel over-revved rather than better. Other herbs such as Reishi mushroom which I used to take on a regular basis have the same effect now as well.

So I am trying to come to terms with the best options, given that money is limited and I seem to have lots of random sensitivities.I understand about 'money limited' :(  And I also understand it's highly unlikely that you'll be able to remove 'random sensitivies' until you fully cleanse your liver & kidneys (and make all the diet/lifestyle changes that may be necessary).  I don't know what all 'lifestyle/diet' issues you've altered & changed already...nor am I savvy to what else you may need to alter & change. 

So, please (if you care for more thoughts from me), let me know (fairly specifically): what a typical diet is for you weekly, all your 'continuing life stressers' and what type of EMF exposure you have daily (computer, cell phone, WiFi, microwave, powerlines, cell towers, etc)...and what you've done in the past 3 months beside the IF#1/IF#2.  Also, what other supplements, otcs, and/or pharmaceuticals are you using (if any).

I certainly need to considerably rebuild my vitality before it will be possible to complete the KF and LF, which I am very much looking forward to doing.

 RED ALERT! RED ALERT! (Maiaeutic, I am NOT "singleing you out" here, this is something that is slated for the FAQs and something that is very important to EVERYONE). 

So, let me start by screaming...NO!  NO! NO!!!!!  When our body is compromised, when our organs are clogged with structural debris and our body is malfunctioning enough to cause major is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to restore ANY type of "vitality" by leaving the body in a state of malfunction and sticking bandaids on the symptoms.  The symptoms and loss of energy are the only way your body has of telling you something is WRONG (the oil light on the dashboard).  If you make that oil light go away without address the true CAUSE of the oil light being on, you WILL make yourself worse!  The cause of symptoms is NEVER a lack of drugs, herbs or supplements (but it sure SELLS a whole lot of them, and keeps people in a disease state that worsens and causes them to buy MORE).

If I had a dollar for every ND or person that has said "I'm/you're too weak to cleanse and restore my organs"  (when uncleansed organs, structural debris and organ damage is the CAUSE of their symptoms & weakness), I'd be rich.  It's illogical, it's stupid (except to those raking in the profits)...and it's just as dangerous as putting duct tape over your oil light.  The weaker and more compromised one is, the more AGGRESSIVE they need to be.  That's why Dr. Schulze was able to take THOUSANDS of people that we on death's door to safety in just a few weeks (sometimes less) with the FULL IP!

Restoring full body compromise 'one tiny cleanse/healing protocol at a time' is like trying to restore a car that's been driven hard with cheap fuel and zero maintenance for 30 years.  Can it be done one 'engine part' at a time?  It's possible, but HIGHLY unlikely...because by the time you get 1-3 systems running again half-way decently, the other 10 systems that are compromised throw the 1-3 you've just tried to fix out of whack again.  It's fine to 'play that game' with a machine...but these our bodies and this is our LIFE & HEALTH!


I have been taking 3 tablespoons a day of ashwagandha, but only for the past two days so I supoose my situation may improve as I allow more time.  Just wondering why you stopped?

The eleuthero I took was in powder capsule form, from a brand I usually trust, capsules are usually very ineffective, and can be harmful if the herb is not certified organic. but perhaps it would be more tolerable in a tincture mixed with other complementary ingredients. He Shou Wu is an example of an herb that I have never been good at tolerating in isolation, but it has done very good thimgs for me when taken in conjunction with other herbs.

I have not tried castor oil compresses or coffee enemas,perhaps I will try those in the next week.I can't imagine why you wouldn't have been doing them both for the past 90 days...and if you would have done them, you'd be much better than you are.  I sure hope you start them soon!  Castor oil is dirt cheap, and organic enema coffee is affordable to virtually everyone.  Did you know, every DYING (read: much more compromised than you) person that walked into Gerson's clinic did FOUR OR FIVE coffee enemas daily.   I would even be willing to become more devitalized than currently and just do the liver flush if I knew that by the end of it I would have overcome all these little sensitivities that I have developed in the last year or so. You don't have to be "devitalized" when cleansing & healing...IF you continue to take activated charcoal and/or bentonite clay to adsorb all the toxins/poisons you'll be releasing...IF you juice fast (giving your body all the vitality, nourishment, energy and high-grade fuel it needs - along with 4-6T of Superfood daily...IF you're consistent...IF you understand that there will be 'dips & bumps' along the 'steady upward trend'...and IF you stop doing & remove (maybe you have) any of the things you were once doing that cause the problems. The difficulty is that I will probably need to do more than one liver flush to achieve such an effect, and I am worried that whatever flushing/cleansing I embark upon will be less effective with my adrenals and overall vitality so compromised. EVERYBODY has to do a LOT more than just one liver flush to undo the damage and remove the debris that's accumlated for decades!

As far as the hot/cold showers, I have read about those but have been reluctant due to my own sensitivity to cold water in general. All of Vernal's tips and experiences are GREAT!  (You can start warm/cool...just push it everyday).  And the emotional release is a therapeutic POSITIVE part of the hot/cold showers.  Dr. Schulze/Christopher (and Gerson, if I'm not mistaken) had everyone doing hot/cold showers and/or contrast therapy daily.  (remember, we're talking terminally ill people here that -for the most part- allopathic medicine had given up on and were FAR more compromised than most anyone on CZ). I cannot or will not? :::grin:::  take cold baths or it depletes my adrenal area. Huh? "depletes your adrenal area"?  It causes flow of oxygenated blood to organs that have been deprived of flow and that are compromised.  The only time hot/cold showers are contraindicated is in the case of fairly serious heart compromise or stroke, and even then, they should be done (just as warm/cool).  I even went into the ocean a couple of weeks ago on the eastern shore of Maryland on a fairly warm day with the water temperature moderate, and paid for it for a week. Uhhh, perhaps that was because of the poisons/toxins in the water absorbing through your skin and stressing your kidneys? Do you think the hot/cold showers might induce a similiar kind of effect? That is what I'm worried about. Read this (please) in full (it'll take about an hour).  It's VERY important to your healing and will help you to understand a lot that you seem to be unaware of and/or "missing":

I have been on the IF #1 and #2 for almost three month solid, and have managed six scoops per day of the IF #2.  Some days I have even done eight or more scoops when I have the time and the pesence of mind. Fantastic!  It is worth mentioning that doing these two in combinamtion has been THE most helpful thing I have done in the past year, and has gradually witnessed me change into a calmer, more centered, and more clear-headed person. YAY-YAHOOEY!  Just think where you'd be if you'd done the castor oil packs & CE's :)  Even after almost three months, I can still feel subtle but nonetheless very distinct shifts in my perception, thinking and feeling every few days from taking the IF #2. I am frankly suprised that the effects are still continuing to unfold but my intuition tells me that I may not even be halfway done. Yes indeedy, it takes a lot of effort to undo decades worth of compromise. You've got great intuition! :)  But you've been exposed to a lot of wrong/bad information about cleansing and healing :( I have noticed a gradual improvement in my adrenals over this period and have become more capable of activity and exertion, though clearly I am still rather limited and susceptible in this area. I have even thought that perhaps doing the IF #2 alone will eventually heal my adrenals to the point where I don't even need any other supportive tonics or supplements in order to do the rest of the cleansing routines.  :::sigh::: Every organ and system of the body is symbiotically dependent upon all the others.  There's generally no way (except in early youth/stages) to address only the 'symptomatic organ' and expect to ever have a complete healing...yet, the one system (like you perceive) that IS the system/organ of choice (if one is going to try just doing one), is the digestive tract/colon.   The only issue in that case would be the time frame, as the full benefits of the IF #2 could be months away. Methinks you'll be ever-SO-much-better, ever-SO-much-faster, if you'll put aside what seems to me to be 'fear' (see: EFT!!!!) of every little reaction & 'dip/bump in the road', and dive into a healing protocol that the greatest natural healers that ever lived used to heal tens of thousands of people safely & effectively.

Oh and as far as bowel movement, yes 3 a day almost every day except when I get sick or my adrenals are overtaxed. But even on a day like yesterday there were two, so throughout all the ups and downs of the past three months BM's have been pretty consistent. That's MAJOR Fantastic!  GOOD JOB!!!

I drink at least 5 12 oz glasses of water per day, and nothing else. I cannot tolerate anything cold, even ice water so the only thing I drink is lukewarm water. It is from a culligan reverse osmosis filter. Obviously during the KF I drank a lot more. Again, good job!

'Hope you don't think I've been "picking on you" or being too's just that we've all have had a LOT of very bad conditioning, and we don't have a lot of time to undo/unlearn it - so 'blunt-speak' is important :)  I think you're doing some really good things - but I don't think it's possible to undo decades worth of compromise (in a body where all parts/systems/organs depend on each other) by doing just one or two protocols for several months.  I want people to have the healing they deserve (and I know all of our bodies deserve for us to work WITH them, rather than against them).

Heal ON!



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