--answer--Devil is in the Details--Anger
Hi refreshed,
Your question: But isn't this the reason people get angry and dissatisfied with this protocol because they can't get the info they need to get past the brain fog to find healing?
You always encourage us to think outside the box....well, doesn't this include thinking of ways of getting people to understand Truth or are we saying that Truth is an inner knowing that will come to people in time if they endure?
Rule #1: Stop doing those things causing our problems in the 1st place!
Rule #2 Start Living as Nature intended for us to Live!
This means start finding the Best Quality In Season foods to eat!
What is so Hard about these two rules?
Could it be that most folks do not want to admit 1st to themself that what they have been doing is more than likely Causing them their problems?
Doing the same things over and over expecting Different results may be a sign of insanity!
Why does anyone need any more Details than these Basics?
Cause and Effect!
Smile Tis your choice.