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Re: my mom and her Alziemers
mo123 Views: 1,229
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Re: my mom and her Alziemers

There are some nursing homes that are very good, like Nurse Ren, she works in a nursing home. But as you see the papers there are some bad but mainly when the patients have no one to visit and watch.

Yes, it is very, very difficult in these days. Alzheimers is purely diet and I know that for sure. It is more diet and stress I should say. The need to be all electric and some simple changes might of changed her life.

Now I want to talk to you about faith. It is your mom's destiny to where she is now and yours too. So God is testing the both of you now to see how much faith you have. I had to take baby to the hospital today and there was this little cat there who had been throw from a window and she had her entire back torso broken with both legs. She was the happiest little cat in the world. She was screaming her head off from the pain I am sure but you look at her and she was just happy to be alive.

If I had a choice for me I would never go to a nursing home. Here are a few facts, most people in nursing homes are there because the family does not want to take care or doesn't know how to take care. Tough love is important here because even though you are scared and you love your mom just maybe you are doing more harm to her then good.

I can tell people for 100 years not to eat a certain way and to take tons of black seed and olive leaf but until they want to, nothing I can do. Your mom cannot think now and she has stress and sickness and loss of bladder now so she is not able to make a decision.

I hope and pray the best comes for her. You must use the best judgement for her. There is no reason why you cannot get a proper diet to her. Tell her she either follows your rules or she is going to a nursing home. I bet she eats better then. Maybe you have to make her secret foods with some of barefoots magic stuff in the food. Just like I do my cats, I put vitamins and flax seeds in their foods. Mix with a little milk and walah, healthy foods.




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