I just cured a UTI with Uva Ursi. I got the combination one called Usnea Uva Ursi, manufactured by GAIA HERBS, one ounce for about ten bucks, at my health food store. I started it right away, then did some research on it. While taking uva ursi we should not take vitamin C, strawberries, kiwi, citrus, pineapple, cranberry or cranberry extract, or any other "acidy" foods. The reason is because the uva ursi supposedly makes the urine more alkaline and the foods that are acid counteract the effects. I learned this the hard way. I took the first couple of doses of my Usnea Uva Ursi and ate plenty of grapefruits and strawberries. Besides not working I got a headache. I do not know for sure if the head ache was caused by my eating the wrong foods or some thing else. I stopped eating the acidy wrong foods and the UTI was gone in two days.