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Re: Managing Fungal Infection Naturally?
Growing Gratitude Views: 10,643
Published: 16 y
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Re: Managing Fungal Infection Naturally?

good books about fermenting are the best selling classics to-be are Wild Fermentation and Nourishing Traditions. While I have been wildly successful with whey, cream cheese, creme fraiche, Kombucha brewing and even making kimchi, all of which are surprisingly easy, particularly for kombucha as long as everything is sterilized down to the Sugar (buy maintstream white Sugar and regular tea as organisms on unsanitized Rapadura or tea will hurt your culture and foul your brew). Trying to make jelly, mustard, ketchup has been disappointing.

One note of warning: My ringworm increased over a period of time when I was consuming under-fermented kombucha. Now I am consuming miso and yogurt often.

If I may go on regarding taking acidophilous supplements I keep encountering contradictory information implying supplements fail to be digested or they are before they can reach the end point. While so many sellers of these and all supplements say their products work, I think verifiable studies by qualified open minded scientists need to be done before I shell out what limited funds I have AGAIN and take the time and effort to try and incorporate yet another friggen' supplement in my life, which may or MAY NOT work for my quirky body type, along with the million of other things I have to do to keep the ball rolling.


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