Re: Managing Fungal Infection Naturally?
This was SUCH a good post, I enjoyed reading it very much. sounds like a wonderful clinic. They just worked with you via UPS eh? No clinic visits required? Wow, how cool is that?
You mentioned you began making your own fermented foods. I have been trying to learn more about doing that myself. Watched youtube videos, searched sites, even bought some salsa and relish from who make fermented foods. BUT I want to learn to make my own! I guess I am basically AFRAID that I'll do something wrong and end up really sick from it. I've had food poisoning AND a virus a few months back that just wiped me out.
So when someone says .... "mix up the veggies, add some salt, cover it and let it sit in a room for a week, then enjoy.....I almost cringe! It's sounds like it would putrify. I can't figure out why fermented foods we make are GOOD FOR US while the food in the frig or on the counter with the green fuzz is BAD FOR US!
Maybe one of the brilliant scientist types around here can explain what makes a bug BAD or GOOD?
Congrats on your healing! Must feel WONDERFUL!!!