Ok...I have been suffering for 9 months and this is the only thing that I can find to give some relief- I've tried so many things and this has been the best.
Raw foods diet which helps to make stools passable....mixed with juice fasts/ lemonade cleanse (cayenne helps to stop bleeding- u can feel immediate difference).
A chinese herbal product called Fargelin. Extra strength is best.(try ebay)
alum dissolved in water which you can apply internally(stops bleeding). Also Cranesbill herb which you can also apply internally.
Occasional cayenne pepper enemas. Burns for about 20 mins then brings incredible relief. Also good for UC.
If you go off this regimen...it comes back quick. I have yet to commit to a whole month without having a normal meal and having symptoms flare up again....but I keep trying.
Good luck. Let me know if you feel any different!