I cured mine for pennies, by drinking a few tablespoons of
Bentonite Clay, but mine was an Australian worm, something you probably don't have. Since it JUST kills the parasite, I mention it first.
She/He's right. "Living Streams ProBiotics" is your main course against MDR
"Digesticol" and "Flouricol" will kill the bugs that are consuming your nutrition, before you do. You will be topping-up your natural defenses with the first one. The Flouricol will be like a springtime walk through the gardens at Versailles, on your bowells.
If you want a less mechanicistic approach, try "Infusium Rejuvenex" by BioGenisis. Detoxing can take several steps, and as I'm learning with the "SuperSilver;" (1 to 5 tablespoons per day,) it can give you both, mild nausea and headaches. In your case, we've also got to get the tissue re-generation underway. To do this, you've got to get the acidity down. (I've just supplimented 'AlkaSeltzer' for one of my cups of coffee, and it's making a big difference.)
With your condition, cancers could form. "Tiaga Tea," (in fact all white Teas) are better than dark ones, but it requires about 6 months to really get you to the -cancer prevention- stage.