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Re: Echinococcus hydatidosis 7100/yr
jessesmom1987 Views: 31,712
Published: 16 y
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Re: Echinococcus hydatidosis 7100/yr

Now I need to get my Clark book back and reread what it says in there. I know I can look it up online here too.
I really didn't get how these things worked...I was thinking the cysts were the little sand like things..I had no clue they grew like they do, nor what they looked like.

If 7100 a year die from them, it makes me wonder how many people a year are ever found to have them and are operated on for them. The one surgery video was suctioning up cyst debris, but even if they operate, and the cyst bursts during the operation, it would not be good if the stuff inside of it wasn't killed first.

Thanks for your information and patience...
There is always something to learn...even from tv :)

I finally saw the House episode with the diagnosis Brucella. Don't take med's to shut off stomach acid if you are going to expose yourself to weird bugs.

At least House talks about possibilities of parasites and weird bugs for causes. I saw the one with the sick girl too, that had the tick House had to search for (that came from her boyfriend crawling through the grass to meet her secretly).

The more real-to-life mystery health shows that should find more of this stuff going on, never even mention them. They figured out after a long period of time, that one lady was sick from mold in her house..and they had the one with the Morgellon's that figured out her own diagnosis from also watching tv.

Wonder what people would think if the autopsy lady pulled out a giant tapeworm, or plopped out one of these hydatid cysts..but if they know 7100 people die per year from them..then they have to be finding them in autopsies.

Do you think a Magnetic Pulser would do anything to the cysts and what's inside of them?


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