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Re: White House Tried to Prevent the Ousting of a Commie
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Re: White House Tried to Prevent the Ousting of a Commie

i'm going to chime in here on the honduran coup since i have been researching it all week.

technically it was not a coup. at least by dictionary definitions. it was a political coup in the truer sense of the word.

first, by all rights, the military was called to enforce the decisions of the congress and the supreme court. they had every right to "enforce" the constitution and the law.

there are no constitutional procedures for impeachment in honduras. just the way it is.

they didn't HAVE to use the military. but that is what got my attention. if any of you have read any of the history of south america you would instantly recognise the invisible hand of the cia in this. especially the constant references to zelaya's alleged socialist leanings in the press. it was not always so. he ran as a moderate conservative and even met with george w in the white house(he wasn't alligned with chavez then).

next fact. there is a prohibition in their constittuion against running for more than one term. if any one seeks to ammend that they are thereby automatically no longer in office. it is unconstitutional to try to amend that part of the constitution. however, and this is a big, is not illegal to call for re-writing the constitution. it has been re-written 15 times since the early 1800's.

in march, zelaya called for a non-binding referendum or poll to be taken at the time of the november election asking if the people supported a referendum to call a national assembly to re-write the constitution. there was not a word of mention about amending the constitution or term limits.

whatever the outcome, there was no possible way he could have benefitted from any change to the constitution before his term is up in january. none.

his political opponents were scared that his succesor might be in a position to call for the assembly and maybe serve more than one term. many if's involved here.

the army was ordered by zelaya to distribute the ballots to the districts. they refused. he fired the head of the army.

the supreme court ruled that he must be re-instated.

then last tuesday the congress passed a law that made it illegal to have a plebicite or referendum 180 days before a general election. in essence, retroactively because they did it five days before the poll and less than 180 days before the election.

the supreme court upheld the ruling thus outlawing the poll after the fact. zelaya vowed to have it anyway. and the rest is history.

sort of, after taking zelaya at gunpoint to costa rica in his pajamas and leaving him there, the congress adopted a ridiculous resignation letter suposedly signed by zelaya citing health problems.

totally legal what the congress and court did yet completely un democratic or fair.

it is my opinion that despite some rather tame rhetoric dnouncing the coup, the cia under obama helped orchestrate this soft coup by giving legal advice to the election tribunal. it would only follow that they give a front of mild indignation.

this is an effort by our endlessly meddling cia to weaken the organization of american states that is becoming aligned with chavez' view of central america.

you will not find any of this information easily in the american conrolled media, which bolsters my thoughts about american involvement.

your tax dollars at work....

happy fourth.



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