Re: I disagree with k24 three
Go listen to the works of Dr Christopher and Dr Schulze and you will find hope in the incredible powers of natural healing in a comprehensive health building program like the incurables and the info in the 30 steps. Email me for the links top view some of these videos (some of Dr Christopher's great ones were recently removed unfortunately) You will see natural healing in a very comprehensive and strong health building program can do absolute miracles ..all of which amaze their doctors. Learn about alternative health--the Frahms, Hoxsey, Walker, Ehret, Wigmore, Caisse,
Bernard Jensen , Lorraine day etc..
The doctors and nurses say it doesn't work but they are just as amazed when it does..they are not taught it and they are taught to disbelieve and denigrate it. Know this, ms nurse, most of the people on here are strong believers in natural healing and some have their own stories of healing. If the people are looking for the advise of allopaths, they already know that path..they come here because they are seeking a better way or hope and it is found here I do believe.
But it only works if you work it or get your loved one to. If you can't so that, then do it the regular way as if you don't change one of the variables in disease + average American on SAD( standard American diet ) = this outcome or this many months to live but if you can change one of those two variables, you can change the prognosios or outcome to cure or to life So do not be the average American on the SAD, and do this health building program and you too might eventually become a natural healing evangelist.
God has designed the body to be self healing. In two years every cells in your body dies and is remade anew, but it will not build a healthier body if it has nothing to work with...start taking herbs in a good form, going vegan, juice fasting etc and do it altogether and you can totally rebuild that old sick pancreas or heart into a new healthy one..schulze grew new heart valve something doctors said was impossible. He regrew new skin after a severe burn that they said could not be grown.
Most of these people preaching the word of alternative health and through disease finding the way to health were supposed to be dead at young ages but often lived to be quite old and refixed/regenerated and recovered from the things doctors said could not be fixed, regenerated or recovered from.
Take your pick--Listen to Schulze who says and has case histories to prove it or listen to your doctor who says maybe we can get you to live a little longer with this drug or this procedure or this chemo while it is killing you with its toxic effects.
Someones telling it like it is is necessary to motivate people..sometimes a little tough love is needed. Look at Schulze..his patients called him Hitler and he was rude and tough at times But HE HEALED THEM OF EVERY DISEASE FROM LATE STAGE FULL BLOWN AIDS TO DEADLY CANCERS. Then they loved him.
If they had listened to people like this well meaning nurse, they would have not gotten that extra 20 or 30 or 40 years of life for them and for their families and communities. Schulze warns it is necessary to get rid of people who tell you this is bad to do..surround yourself only with people who will encourage your journey back to health. Yes, we often (but not always) create own illnesses but this is good. for it means we can also reverse them as well by changing what we do.
The bottom line is I don't just want you (the patient)-- in this case-- your dad, to adapt to dialysis and get support from other unlucky patients and helpful nurses that try to tell you it will all be ok.
It won't all be will be pretty dang horrible..maybe not at first but trust me the dialysis diet and lack of fluids alone is bad for your health, making friends there only to watch them die one by one is heartwrenching, and facing 9 heart attacks a year if you are unlucky like my mom is not something good at all. It is awful tpo watch and more awful to have to go through it from the advise of well meaning doctors
What I want for you is to be motivated enough to regain your health as millions have done in history..I am sorry but I strongly disagree with what the nurse said as I am sure others on here do too.
People come on here looking for new answers...and if they look they can find them as this site is completely full of support and help from people interested in alternative health of every type. the people on here are very, very smart I find and very knowledgeable. Most people on here respect Dr schulze and his incurables program.
We all are all influenced by our experiences...the nurse who posted--well it's her job to reassure frightened people who think they have no choice but dialysis to be ok on it, so that is what she is doing..what she does every day but this lady is looking for different answers.
Since these people the nurse sees on dialysis presumably do not know or believe there is any other way, then her work is admirable and needed; however, my experience comes from someone who has from the earliest age had a heart for others, a person who prayed to find a cure for her dad's lung cancer, a favorite uncle and then her own cancer, one who searched for so many years for another way than the way of death for those stuck with deadly ills.
My prospective is from one who prayed all her life to be able to help others, whose strongest desire in life was not money or fame but to help others and who was blessed with a good mind and a willingness to sacrifice her time to help people in need and who god blessed with this knowledge known to so few to try to spread it and from someone who saw first hand the efforts of dialysis.
My mom did not look ill at all till the treatments and dialysis. This is the same thing that the founder speaker I heard on the hallelujah diet said..his mom did not look ill till she started on the chemo and radiation and all that..she, too, was a nurse and believed in the medical way and yet she died in terrible pain. I well remember when I was getting radiation back before I knew a lot, an older lady just crying and practically screaming in pain.
When he got the same cancer, watching her decline in the hands of doctors motivated him to seek a better and different way and he found it and he now shares it with others who are also recovering their health. I come from the prospective of someone who is trying through her years of study in this field is trying desperately to prevent people from going through what my mom did by listening 100% to her doctor for I believe strongly in the glden rule.
I don't want more people in the grave begging to die..that image of my mom begging to die in horrific pain on her last day on this earth is one etched in my mind along with her making me promise to help shine a spotlight on the horror of kidney disease. While I do not know how to do that, I do know someone's best hope for a cure and I have printed it here with no ulterior motive or money gain for the service of the sick who by god's grace find themselves here..there are no coincidences. In this way, I seek to help those she had a heart for..follow dialysis and kidney disease patients. this is not my big interest..cancer is and yet I am on this forum the most as I feel this is where God currently wants me.
Here is the info on the incurables and the 30 steps and email me for the links to the save your life videos and manuals
it is long but please read through everything I posted there. If not for Jensen, this info would not be on here so he did do that in the course of trying to help his dad and I know he is glad of that, for helping others is why we are put here in large measure.