Re: Eating according to your body type
Yes, elimination of certain foods may help some people. For example people with allergies to certain foods. People with PKU that cannot have phenylalanine containing foods. People with kidney disease should avoid high protein. People with gout need to keep high protein and purine substances to a minimum. Diabetics need to watch their intake of high glycemic foods. People with celiac need to avoid gluten. Nightshades can aggravate rheumatoid arthritis in some people. If the person has a lactose intolerance they need to avoid most dairy products.......
On the reverse, type 2 diabetic need foods higher in chromium, magnesium, and zinc. Asthmatics need foods higher in magnesium and lower in calcium. Foods high in sterols can lower people's cholesterol and blood pressure. People with emphysema, osteoarthritis, osteomalacia, diverticulitis, and aneurysms need foods higher in silica for collagen and elastin formation. People with diabetic retinopathy need foods richer in vitamin C and silica. Women with hormone imbalances will be benefited by increasing their intake of phytoestrogen rich foods as well as bitter foods. Men with prostate issues are benefited by high zinc foods.
Foods can interfere with both herbs and minerals. This is why I prefer taking the majority of supplements on an empty stomach, at least 20 minutes before meals. For example, protein blocks calcium absorption. Calcium, chromium, strontium, zinc, cobalt, manganese, and tannins can inhibit iron absorption.
Even amino acids compete for absorption. Larger amino acids will block the absorption of smaller amino acids sharing the same transport chain. This is why it is so important to take amino acids, for therapy, on an empty stomach.
Vitamins on the other hand are co-enzymes, and require enzymes to function. So these are best taken with meals.