Re: Somer Body Cleansing and Menopause
Thanks for the info. I have found in various places liver/bladder flushes. One said you must have the metals from your dental work removed so you don't over work the liver afterwards. Do you know anything about that?
I fell off a horse 20 years ago and landed on the front right side of my ribs. Since then I have had pain there. The docs. say it's not my ribs. It must be my liver. Lab tests show nothing.
After ten years the pain has increased and I started going back to different doctors tyring to find someone interested in helping me. I went to a CNS who practices CRA (the muscle testing) she said it's gall stones.
My new doctor referred me to an gastroenterologist. She said I don't have gallstones, but I may have IBS. (which has nothing to do with the pain in my side but everything to do with the cramps, bloating and diarrhea I have at night.)
Of course, while I have been on the lemonade fast and since, I have not been eating fatty foods, and trying to stay away from anything unhealthy as it has given me stomach aches. Because of this I haven't had any bowel (IBS) symptoms.
I have a colonoscopy scheduled for Oct. 27. Maybe I'll wait a week and then do the
Liver Flush and cancel my appointment. I can always reschedule it for another time if I begin to have any problems.
Her recommended treatment for the pain in my side is "ADVIL" I am so sick of doctors as of the last two years. I bet if they were caught talking in their sleep they'd be saying "take Ibuprofen", because they say it so often.
Well, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lay out my whole life story. I'm just really frustrated and don't know what to do, so I'm trying the healthy route. If you got any more suggestions.........I'd be grateful!