Re: Somer Body Cleansing and Menopause
Good for both of you! Regardless of where your bodies are in their natural cycles, a good flush cannot do you any harm, and can do much good.
I doubt seriously that the
Master-Cleanse has anything to do with your friend's flow, and would imagine her body is undergoing its own process in its own good time. The
Master-Cleanse will help things along.
If you are interested in further cleansing, I highly recommend a liver/gallbladder flush after your digestion is fully reestablished. You can do an excellent flush without
Epsom Salt (see
Liver Flush Forum here at curezone for various methods and recipes). Simply drink fresh pressed apple juice all day, then at bedtime drink a combination of 1/2 c. best quality olive oil shaken well with 1 c. fresh grapefruit juice and lie immediately on your right side. Next morning drink 1 qt. warm water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon (I like to do an enema also). Eat the same soup you break the
Master-Cleanse with all day... toward the end of that day you should pass all sorts of interesting things from your liver/gallbladder! I got about a pint of beautiful jade green stones last time, and have had beautifully clear skin ever since, and my digestion has been the best ever since I started to cleanse almost four years ago.
I will do another liver/gallbladder flush soon, and two more ten day juice fasts this fall. I have just attained my long term goal of turning 50 with a clean pink colon and feel absolutely wonderful!
My best to you,