if someone is eating it because they think they're getting probiotics - I've NEVER understood the idea of consuming sweetened yogurt or kefir. Why in the world is there corn syrup in kefir? And doctors/people readily tell each other when they're on anti-biotics or some other candida-forming stretch - to drink kefir. Right. With corn syrup?
Any processed foods anymore (there's a narrowing window of what I'll eat out of a package) seems like a silent opportunity for someone to slip people immune-inhibitors, stale chi and the spend more/make more money-frequency. All of which we can all do without.
Everything you purchase, rather than make for yourself (said the seamstress) you send that energy out into the universe to 'make more stuff'. The less we purchase these type products, the less others will and eventually - folks will wanna be more clever again.