I'll lend you my husband, if you like... :D
We had a heart to heart talk the other day, and I felt that lovely warm glow, energy, radiating from him.
...And, immediately, I was...how to say it?...how to say it without referring to a negative?...wholesome.
I felt as though I had already left the habit behind...returned to what I am, originally.
We have already proven that we have an energetic bond, where our auras, or something, assist each other.
When I had a serious toothache, years ago, by chance he encircled my head with his arms, not touching, and immediately the ache reduced, dramatically.
This was long before we began reading about such things, but, when we did, we knew what they were talking about.
Dh is excellent at it, and he says I help him, too.
One day, about a year and a half ago, he had been talking about a return of his vertigo, and feeling generally unwell...he thought he'd make a doctor's appointment the following morning.
That night he went to bed rather early, not quite himself.
At least 12 feet and 2 walls between us, he was asleep and I was watching TV.
I knew how he suffered from vertigo, twice, 35 years apart, and that doctors had no solution for him.
Right out of the blue, I thought to use my hands on him. He had done that for me.
I envisioned him between my palms, and I smiled as I imagined my hands moving, lifting and energizing his aura.
I did this for about ten minutes, wishing him well, then turned my attention back to the TV.
The next morning, dh made a point of telling me what a wonderful sleep he had. Before, or since, I cannot think of another time he told me this.
All talk of doctors was forgotten.
What it was/is, I am not sure, but it most certainly is real.
I only think that we should do it for each other, on purpose, more often.
So, this golden glow from him, the other day, cured me, instantly...but I decided to smoke up what I had left. :(
Silly goose!
My motivation, now, is that I need the money...that, and a few other reasons.
Blame is no good, for me...in fact, it is counter-productive.
I also know that there is anger behind my 'antsyness', but I am unafraid because I've seen emotions vanish, once I recognize them...and they disappear quickly, without pain. ...Then something physical lets go.
Boy, I have a few physical things to lose! I can't wait!
Here's energy, Molly.
And I will send you my husband, for a while, if you really need him.
On second thought, maybe not...