Re: HELP! Mairena causing MS? Need your FEEDBACK!
I have done a great deal of research, and one of the things I have come across is mirena's effect on the mylean (spelling?) sheath. I believe this is an biggie issue with MS? I know when I had it in, I had major crackling in my neck-chiro told me it was the sheath. Since removal I barely even notice it-and I do yoga almost daily, so I would.
What jane said about autoimmune is exactly right. Sooooooo many women come here with various autoimmune problems. (Myself included, but not as severe as ms-thankfully.) The majority of us with these problems have been tested for MS-usually negative, but not always.
there are several possible reasons for this that I have found. My most prominant theories are either:
1) Mirena (and all IUD"S) are designed to cause an immune reaction within the uterus-(I found this in an early sales presentation for it-they dont talk about it anymore). the inflamation it causes is one of the mechanisms by which pregnancy is prevented.
2) the mirena is not only made of silicone, but the sythetic progestin is "suspended" in a silicone gel that enables the 5 year time release action. Silicone has been controversial for years (think breast implants), but is almost impossible to prove as a causal factor for autoimmune disorders-which is why they let the implants back on the market. They don't even make a test for it-I asked. I have not been able to find out if it is released with the progestin, or remains in the cylinder as the hormone is released. I would love to hear if someone has access to a mirena that was in for the full 5 years, to see if the gel was still in there.......hmmmmm.
I wish you and your wife the best of luck. My aunt was diagnosed with it over 10 years ago, and is doing very well. Please do keep us up to date with how you are doing. If you have anything specific you want research on, there are a few of us here that may be able to help, just let us know what you are looking for.