Hello - The last couple of times flushing I have noticed a few of these red objects floating on the water. They all seem to be the same size. They look the same color as pics I have seen on Curezone of liver flukes, but do not have the same shape. They are all about maybe 1/2 inch long and about pencil led thickness, a bit narrower at both ends, sort of like a cigar. They can be unrolled, and then they have an outward shape sort of like a flattened balloon has.
Just visually examining them, they do not look like parasites at all to me personally. They are uniform in appearance all over, as one would expect from flattened cherry tomatoe skins - except rolled up.
Not uncommonly I have seen undigested bits of food in the flushes, like maybe a bean that was kind of hard when eaten. Lots of time I eat cherry tomatoes. I would appreciate any input. Thanks!