Re: Chelation and Humaworm
------Hello Dameon
Combination therapy could quite possibly be dangerous,
------correct, which is why I said these things should not be done together.
but at the same time it could be the ONLY way to break out of these 'cleansing' tar traps that over 90% of people at curezone seem to be stuck in.
------True-ish, but with lots of limitations. You need to know what does what and doing stuff together inhibits your ability to understand what works and what does not work, which I think is essential.
-------A person could also get very hurt by doing some of these things together. Messing around with mercury on its own is fraught with dangers and pain, with long term health risks. I speak from my own painful experience here.
Personally, I've tried individual therapies and each of them seem to provide me with different benefits
---me too
but its almost as if each one is missing some thing.
---that’s why they all need doing.
Considering on where I'm at, I have absolutely no fear to combine therapies that most would deem insane. Some one's got to do it, might as well be me. ;)
-------you are lucky enough to not be sick enough to be able to handle these things together, I am happy for you. But I repeat, messing around with mercury is extremely dangerous. Lead problems are very difficult too and takes a long time to detox as the lead is deep in the bones. Mercury and lead each take years to detox safely.
No offense sunshine, but you're giving that person pretty fundamental rules to ride on and like me, you don't truly understand all of this.
----it’s my opinion from my experience. You don’t have to like it or agree with it. In my opinion if you rush thing you run the risk are screwing up and getting hurt. Again I speak from my own painful experience.
And to make fundamental statements like this, you essentially need to understand every thing going on here one hundred percent. Frankly, if you're still cleansing and healing then I'm sorry I would say you're still on the journey like every one else. A friendly warning to this person would be much more appropriate as opposed to fundamental black and white rules.
Even if you have gotten better, I would still say with out a doubt you don't understand the whole picture.
-----I do understand a lot of things. I have done a lot of things. And I am one of the few that got better. I got better because I educated myself so that I could make informed choices about my health. Sometimes I help others looking for answers. In my opinion my message was a friendly warning. If you ever experience a problem with mercury you will know what I’m talking about. it is very unpleasant indeed and can led to long term damage. I made one false move and lost a year of my life because of it.
Yes, you've probably been through a lot more than me but that doesn't change the fact you didn't make the human body.
---errrmmmm yup
For all we know hardcore chelating the same time as Humaworm and liver flushing daily could be the ultimate way of removing tapeworms.
-------you should not say dumb things like that. Someone might read that and think chelation and parasite cleansing and liver cleansing could be fun to do together. I know someone who chelated mercury and did a Humaworm together and they got ultra sick for 3 months because it was too much for him. Little mistakes hurt like hell with mercury. Mercury needs to be treated with kid gloves and your blind faith that its just another detox and “I’m all right jack” is dangerous.
Unless you have documentation or experiential evidence to show other wise, I'm going to say you really don't know.
----well I do know because I lived it, done it and an out the other side, thank god.
Granted, the scary reality of trying untested methods could be some thing as dramatic as death.
-----I know people that died from mercury chelation.
However; based on the fact some people around here have done dozens of parasite cleanses, hundreds of liver flushes, ext ext I think it's time some one ups the temperature. I respect your experience, and I definitely respect RG's wisdom and expertise(thus why I still buy his products and listen to some of his advise). I'm just noticing an upsetting pattern among many people in curezone. A lot of people seem to be stuck in fear bubbles, not willing to step outside their single dimensional or possibly three dimensional approaches to healing.
-----well whoever you are talking about, that’s not me, because I have done everything and done everything multiple times and I am better now because of it.
Mind you, I'm a particular rare case my self. RG was indeed very concerned when I informed him of my initial reaction to Humaworm. So it could be just in my case that multiple methods are needed in conjunction. Slow paced healing has just led to me being more sickly, I'm afraid.
--------Not sure if you read it ready, but the healing protocol on this very website clearly states there is an order of cleansing. I know from my experience that the reason for this is that what goes before makes what comes after easier…..and that it all needs doing. The sicker you where, the longer you where sick…the more you need to do it.
Take care