have you been reading the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement newsletters, especially the latest #4 with recommendations to lower but more frequent doses ?
And regarding your shoulder pains - you may want to find out whether this is a result of acidifying your body. The original Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol is using an excessive amount of citric acid , which is suspected to cause overacidity resulting in joint pain for some people. There are several alternative protcols to reduce the total acid amount with 50% citric acid , 50% tartaric acid or 2%-9% HCL (which I prefer). But as a quick test, you could reduce the drop ratio of 5 drops 10% citric acid per 1 drop Miracle-Mineral-Supplement down to 1 drop 10% citric acid per 1 drop MMS and let it activate about 10 minutes instead of 3. You do not need to worry about the activation being complete - any remaining NaClO2 will be activated inside the stomach by gastric acids (mostly consisting of HCL).