Re: question for Valerie
Hi, it sounds like you did everything just fine. Whatever you feel is the right amount for you that provides good results is the best amount. That having been said however, you could probably take more than a pint without experiencing anything other than a sensation of fullness.
Next time you may want to try a quart, with 2 tsp salt and see how much you can comfortably take. Breathe slowly and deeply as the enema progresses. Don't hurry. Pause the flow temporarily if you would just like to rest. If you begin to feel uncomfortably full or experience cramping, again close the shutoff for a minute or so and take short rapid breaths before resuming. If you can't take the full quart, don't worry, you can try again the next time.
Eventually, you may find that you can take a full bag enema (2 quarts) with little more discomfort than you experienced with just a pint. An enema can be very relaxing and healthy when taken under the right conditions.